
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 04:08:42
what is the case什么意思 新概念英语第二册练习本第5课答案是练习本 我的初中基础没有打好,高中成为好成绩可能吗? 初中基础没打好高中怎么办求大神帮助 韩国古钱1元等于人名币多少 两小儿辩日孔子对待这个问题表现出了() 《论语》中的两小儿辩日有什么科学依据? So the students stay ____home _____ Saturday? 高中的知识还需要初中的基础么? _____Sunday,the students are at home.A.Being B.To be C.It being D.It is 请具体解释下原因,比如这是什么结构,作什么成分?我个人觉得是选A 作原因状语. 如果初中基础不好高中该怎么办? 按按键的英文 我们从两小儿辩日中的两个小孩身上学到了什么的精神,从孔子的身上学到了什么态度 英语翻译请问其中一段After all,“I don’t have time” seems like a decent enough excuse.You’ve got other priorities.You might not even like exercise much.And those folks who do spend an hour or two every day walking,cycling or working o 在两小儿辩日中,你想对孔子说什么?对两个小孩说什么?太阳在什么时候里我们近,什么时候离我们远? The windows must have taken you quite a long time that day 这个怎么翻译? They often have____at home.A.a dinner B.the dinner C.dinners D.dinner i can't speak to any adults in your family .is that right?(翻译为汉语) BOA 的long time no see歌词的中文翻译这首是日文歌 a long time中的time是次数还是时间 英语翻译 在旅馆休息用英语怎么说 can i speak to Tom?答案为什么要用speaking? ended、lasted、stayed、moved、danced、worked、stopped、listened的ed分别读什么? The TV is too loud,turn the volume down.翻译 Hurry up .or we miss the train同义句 ()we ()(),we will miss the train The way___you speak to your teacher is right for you.A.that B.how C.which这是什么从句? ___reminded me___your father is the way you speakA That;toB What;ofC Whether;toD Why;of The teacher is to speak at the meeting.to speak在句中作什么成分? When I____(leave)home,my father____(eat)breakfast. How long do you exercise every night?I exercise f() about an hour. ( )( )you like ( ) ( )for breakfast?你早餐想吃什么?英语翻译