
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 20:10:47
they are sitting in___ classroom now A.they B.their C.their___ pencil is this?it's ___A.who's;jim's B.whose ;jim's C.what's;jim is___ days many families have computers.A.These B.Those C.Thismy ball is not on the bed,it's___the bed A.under B.i The boys didn;t leave the classroom until they worked the maths problems.(句意不变)The boys ______the classroom _____they worked the maths problems. 用easily造句 有些事是你从来都没有处理过的:独自生活,与室友相处,洗自己的衣服等等 怎么翻译成英语 下列作品中,属于游记散文的有?( ) A.《故都的秋》 B.《故乡的野菜》 C.《爱尔克的灯光》 D.《灯》 快乐王子的作者是谁 ansys,哪位能帮我看看下面这几个面怎么glue到一起建立箱梁两侧的支撑A截面处支撑wpcscy,0wpave,-2wprota,90RECTNG,0,-0.65,-0.25,0.25RECTNG,-0.65,-0.45,-2,2wpave,-0.41,-2RECTNG,-0.65,-0.45,-2,2wpcscy,0wpave,-0.225,0,-2wprota,9 谁能帮忙翻译 Wash and polish your car:doesn't it drive better? center Tony ()New York is my pen pal 小女孩为什么会看到这些幻景 烟囱温州话怎么说?汉堡包怎么说?晚安怎么说?我爱你怎么说? 故都的秋原文谁知道关于《故都的秋》作者郁达夫的详细生平和作品要关于在文革期间的信息! 故都的秋 是谁的作品 英文:site的中文意思是什么? site:www.wowofafa.com site英文单词是什么意思-搜索site-请问site搜索能... How to have a healthy lifestyle?Sometimes,you don"t feel very well and habits-------这是一篇阅读短文,麻烦把短文打全,再把阅读问题和答案打出来, playing spors me very healthy.A.make,feel B.makes feel 为什么选B something的对应词是什么? something是属于哪类词 something放在什么词之前 something的否定词是2个单词组成something的否定词 something修饰那些词啊?比如something differentsomething new什么时候something在前?什么时候something在后?那副词呢?放在哪? 按照【故都的秋】的作文 用there be的正确形式填空.(1)____a big tent at the camping site.(2)____some milk in the glass(3)____some boys beside the school bus.(4)____one spoon and two forks in the cupboard.(5)____not any bread on the plate.(6)___ do you know the boy ---glasses over thereA.wears .B by C.with D.has说说原因 The policeman doesn't know ____ to do with the boy.A.how B.what C.when D.whyB.what . 雅思大作文 分类雅思大作文涉及哪些方面的题材,有没有详细点的分类总结呢?十天突破我有,但是他说的是模板和词汇,我想要的是准备相关素材,也就是了解要考些什么范围的话题,比如说我看 A类雅思图表作文高分 到底怎么样?和雅思8分万能作文相比哪个比较好 矩形的对角线把矩形分成的三角形一共有 British man of letters,