
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:03:40
Yesterday morning.I saw forty horses______in the sports field.A ran B are C run D to runYesterday morning.I saw forty horses______in the sports field.A ran B are running C run D to run this morning,I saw forty horses( ) in the sports field.填ran、run、are running还是to run? I saw forty horses running in the sports field中为什么用 running I saw forty horses running in the sports field中in the sports field的译文 I saw him ___ in the park this morning.A.run B.to run C.ran D.running 翻译并语法说明 such so的区别 We went on a(n)_______to the mountain yesterdayA.excursion B.trip C.tour D.travel讲解是excursion“远足,短途旅行”trip “旅游出行;行程”tour “游历;观光”travel “(长途)旅行”为什么不能选tour? I went to work( )foot yesterday. Everything is gonna be all right最近看了一部新美剧《Brothers&Sisters》,非常温馨.讲述一家兄弟姐妹不同的人生,他们之间有矛盾不解,但最终还是心连心,彼此相爱.在第一季的第二集36分钟时有一首背 everything is gonna be all right.大家帮个忙, Unlucky,we were c(.) in the heavy rain yesterday. If it ______for the heavy rain,we could have left for Paris yesterday.A.were not B.had not been 为什么A不行呢?还有选项C was not such与so的区别 There was a heavy rain yesterday.( 改为同义句) 英语翻译(1)患者的神志:要注意患者的性格和行为有无异常,如无故大声哭或笑,衣服上下颠倒穿,往鞋窝里小便,无故地拔掉输液针头等等,这些异常行为提示有肝昏迷的先兆.如果患者神志恍惚, 英语翻译偶极电极位于两个单性电极之间,可为一个或多个(本次实验为一个),双性电极一面为正极,一面为负极.各个极板之间部分为石棉隔膜.通上电流后,电解液中离子完成放电而析出,氯化 I think the book is ___(help)to me适当形式填空说明理由 根据首字母填词,使句意完整He w____ if you are a teacher They t_____their best to play baskerball 初中英语句意填词 呃 根据句意及首字母填词1.Mao Zedong was a f___ of PRC.2.His sister is a p____ in Tianjin University.3.The name of my first school was Saibo P_____ School.4.Do you know Qingdao is in the east of Shandong P____.5.Don't speak to him .He is u_ 五月天有首歌“everything will be all right?是什么歌 such as、so、so as、such有何区别/ so……as 和 such ……as 的区别/. Yesterday I Heard The Rain 歌词 昨天我在雨中走,浑身都湿透了.Yesterday I walked in the rain,so I______. such ..as as...as so...as他们之间有什么区别 带有主语补足语的被动语态 I was caught in the rain yesterday.这句话中的主补在哪里?This morning we were warned of heavy rain in some suburban areas.这句的主补又是哪个呢 movie house 、theater 、cinema 这三个有何区别? “cinema”和“movie”意思相同吗? movie theatre与cinema的用法有不同吗 初二英语根据句意填词At our school sports meeting,I e the relay race and our class won the first prize.At our school sports meeting,I e___ the relay race and our class won the first prize. 《she said ,everything would be all right》歌词来自拖特巴士大乐团,专辑Summer And Winter