
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 11:32:05
求一个给李白或杜甫或白居易或王安石或王昭君的颁奖词 求一个给李白或杜甫或白居易火旺暗示或王昭君的颁奖词半小时我就该走了. 火星自我介绍Hurry up!快点!我跪求! 火星的简单介绍! 火星的详细介绍 谁有《芭比之真假公主》里《Written in your heart》的歌词?如果有五线谱最好,若没有也没有关系 火星介绍 我需要里《if you love me for me》的歌曲伴奏!我想演唱中的《if you love me for me》,需要伴奏,或者帮我找一个16位立体声的《if you Love me for me》的音频文件也可以! 小明任意买一张电影票,座位号是偶数与座位号是自然数中,什么 的可能性较大. 任易买一张电影票,座位号是单号和双号的可能性( ) 原因( ). you will also want to me 中文意思? "孔子之术"指的是什么?董仲舒为推崇该学说,向汉武帝提出了什么建议? 为什么董仲舒和孔子的主张会有不同的结局越快越好 No matter how you want to me,I will look at you 孔子受冷遇和董仲舒受重用的原因 撒哈拉沙漠三毛的主题是什么 云南共有哪些地级市?各地级市介绍? 填空 It is ( ) ( ) the chair 以(困境中,适者生存)为题作文,有气势点的! 三毛到底去过撒哈拉沙漠没有? Where is John?He ( )(go)to the scince ---Where is John?---He ______to town for two hours.A.had gone B.went C.has been away D.was away 为什么孔子没做到使儒家成为正统思想,而董仲舒却做到了?董仲舒用了什么方法?如题. 高中英语,if i eat this rice.will you give me whatever i want? yes within ___答案within"合情合理‘我 Are you waiting for your mon,Steven? My mon is at work at the moment,so it's my father's turnto ( ) from school todayApick me up B bring me up ____in the traffic jam is the lamest excuse one can think of for being late for work.A.Caught B .Catching C.Bing caught D.To catch请问选哪个,为什么?请问 非谓语动词与其逻辑主语之间怎样表现的被动关系? 把tall in that live they building连成一个句子 If you have()question,put up your hands.A.someB.anyC.theD.many Hello,I want to go to Hangzhou.Will you help me ___the times of the trains?A.look up B.pick up C.look for D.pick out lt is such a tall buiding that we cannot see the top of it.改成同义句换成lt is __ __ __ __ __ we cannot see the top of it. How tall is that building?改为同义句 How heavy is this parcel?改为同义句 I was so sincerely want to have a good love you,but you pushed me away again and again.I miss you like crazy,but now I spelled a life to forget.