
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 06:03:42
请帮我想几条班规文科班,个性化的 碗破了用什么胶可以粘 医学化验单英文缩写?比如血常规 4kw星型电机改为三角形解法会有什么变化!我厂的油烟分离器的电机Y112M—4,铭牌上规定星型解法,但改造为三角形,我测后发现三相电流不平衡,分别是6.2,6.3,7.2(星型解法规定额定电流为8.8A). 【物理】啥时用速度三角形?啥时候用位移三角星解题? with my sister-in-law这个sister-in-law是什么意思? 大家帮我一起找带 (氵) (水)(金) (子)的字吧 为什么四级成绩查询准考证格式不正确 英语四级成绩查询准考证号格式不正确准考证号没有错,就是格式不对 英语四级准考证号格式不正确输入准考证号 怎么老是提醒我格式不正确啊?我是2008年12月考的,原来成绩刚出来的时候还可以查,今天怎么查不出来了 帮忙取个男孩名字:姓陈、中间字带木、第三个字带金的名字 的名字,2007年10月01日21:55分生的,活泼可爱的男孩,希望大家踊跃回答,必有谢礼! 谁知道有个顺口溜讲的是旅游时到一地照张相就走的意思是讽刺赶时髦的旅游方式 I _____ (walk) along the street when I suddently _____ (hear) footsteps .Someone ___ (follow)me. 来帮做首打油诗用“钱不是问题,问世没钱”做第一句,后面的要怎么写才能押韵?做首打油诗, I was walking in the street _____someone calledI was walking in the street _____someone called me from behind all of a suddenA when B while C because D though 做一首打油诗每句开头的字,连成汤沁我爱你,可以用谐音,最好不用 谁能帮我做打油诗,以"恨到深处爱已碎"开头,顺便教教我 One day while I ____ along the street,I ____ someone calling.A.walked…was hearing B.was walking…has heard C.was walking…had heard D.was walking…heard为什么选D不选C Is your mother cooking now?A .I do not think it B.I think it C.I think not so D.I think so ___your mother __ the new house?A.What is ;like B.What does ;think of C.What does;like D.What do ;think of 今年六月考的英语四级什么时候能查分啊 Tom enjoys living in China这句话的同意句 Tom ____ ____ live in China all the people left( ) i arrived at the airport. so i picker up nobody.请问括号里填after还是before he starts at 9 o'clock.变一般疑问句和变否定句 he arrived home at seven o'clock.(at seven o'clock划线)为什么用when划线部分提问,为什么用疑问副词 when 帮我写一首赞美春景的打油诗只等5分钟 写得好有财富10 五年级一个等腰直角三角形的斜边长12厘米面积怎么算? 三角形ABC的面积是80平方厘米.D.E分别是BC和AB的中点,求阴影部份的面积(即BED)小学五年级的解法.什么拓展题,就是高年级的放到低年级来做,. “如何处理孩子在交往过程中抢夺玩具”引发的思考 I ,m going to get this book. 将以下的词用适当的形式填空:feather,develop,wonder,popular,sharp.1)Dickens′ works enjoy great﹙ ﹚at that time.2)Knives are used to ﹙ ﹚the pens.3)When this kind of bieds is born ,they have no﹙ ﹚.4)Our life becomes more and m 五分钟求解英语用词的正确形式填空The doctor had some trouble in _____(find)suitable medicine for the patient.