
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 19:11:27
穷人和富人在精神上和物质上有什么样的区别? 我经常自言自语,这是什么病?我是故意的,我这是有病吗?我和我自己说我一定要成为一个最有钱的人,我这是有病吗? 美语和英语有什么区别 怎么样分辨孩子到底适合不适合学英语? 荷笠带斜阳的荷的读音he是第二声还是第四声 I like taking photos in the park 就画线部分提问 inthe park 《读〈石钟山记〉有感》书名号哪里错了双书名号和单书名号在书写时不能放在一个格子里.请各位具体说说,明天二模, 表程度的英语短语,除a little ,very much外,还有什么主要的典型的? 这个英语词组怎么讲?"a neat little job"请问这个词组是不是惯用语?例句是什么? 切墩啥意思 Do you have hamburgers in China,too?中文意思 填空:1、Artist 2、Writer 3、Engineer 4、Accountant 5、FriendI‘m a LI MING.i work in a car company and design cars,i'm an----------,I have three-------,xiaomei works in a bank.she works with number and money,she is an-----------,wanggang li 英语翻译 Is your uncle a writer or a reporter?你的叔叔是一位作家还是位记者?He's a writer.他是位作家. I should say that Mike is not ____ a writer as a reporter. I should say he is not ()a scholar as a writer答案是so much其他的为啥不对啊?还有too much very much as much I should say Henry is not_____much a writer as a reporter.A.that C.this Dsuch He is not so much a writer as a reporterno so much 为什么不可以用rather 和not such 呢 크리너 看拼音写词语mou di这个词怎么写,尽量多组几个词 |/ / mou nuo ( )生 ( )动 这是看拼音写词语第一个为三声第二个是二声 幽灵行动4已经把内存改为3072了为什么还会Device is removed:Ran out of memory求解释! 何谓stylistic interaction? “脸上充满得意兴奋的表情颇为自己的经历感到骄傲”这句话可以用什么成语表示 脸上充满得意兴奋的表情颇为自己的经历感到骄傲.是什么成语 The subject produced a l___ debate in parliament 请问填什么?快一些some baby pandas often die easily.改为同义句some baby pandas are often ____ ____diemore than nature reserves protect pandas in china.改为同义句there are more than nat What are the two components of the British parliament? July Canada is July 1,1867 the British Parliament passed the "British North America Act" that day 翻译!紧急! the parliament翻译 作文春来草自绿中心是什么 爪机党的反义词是什么 LINGO中generator 在LINGO的ABOUT LINGO发现了它是32,不知道它是约束的什么?