
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 15:39:03 公共英语等级考试
Section I Listening Comprehension   (3o minutes)   Directions:   This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English.You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them.There are three parts in this section,PartA,PartB and PartC.   Remenvber,while you are doing the test,you should first put down your answrs in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section,you will have 5 minutes to transfer all your answers from your test booklet to ANSWER SHEET l.   if you have any questions,you may raise your hand Now as you will not be allowed to speak once the   test has started.   Now look at Part A in your test booklet.   Part A   Directions:   For Questions l~5,you will hear an application interview about an air training course.While you listen,fill out the table with the information you have heard.Some of the inJbnnation has been given to you in the table.Write only l word in each numbered box.You will hear the recording twice.You now have 25 seconds to read the table below.   Part B   Directions:   For Questions 6~1o,you will hear a lecture on John F.Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln.While you listen,complete the sentence(s)andanswer the question(s).Use not more than 3 words for each answer.You will hear the recording twice.You now have 25 seconds to read the sentence(s)and the question(s)below.    Part C    Directions:   You will hear three dialogues or monologues.Befare listening to each one,you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it.While listening,answer each question by choosing[A],[B],[C]or [D].After listening,you will have lo seconds to check your answer to each question.You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE.    Questions 11~13 are based on a talk about the problem of rising population.You now have l5 seconds   to read Questions ll~13.   1 1.How does the rising population negatively influence some countries?   [A]People begin to go on strike for foo&    [B]Some countries have to cut down food supplies.   [C]People are dying of hunger.    [D]Some governments have to drive their people into other countries.   12.According to the speaker,how many people have been added per year to the present population?    [A]8o million.   [B]7o million.    [C]More than 35oo million.   [D]About 3ooo million.   13.Which region’S population of the following is growing fastest?    [A]Latin America.   [B]North America.   [C]South America.   [D]Central America.    Questions 14~16 are based on the following dialogue on arranging a holiday.You now have l5 seconds   to read Questions l4~16.   14.Where does this dialogue most probably take place?    [A]In a hotel.   [B]At the woman’S home.   [ClAt a travel agency.   [D]In a supermarket.   15.Where will the woman go for her holiday?    [A]Somewhere in Germany.   [B]Somewhere in Britain.    [C]somewhere in New York.   [D]Somewhere in America.   16.What kind of trip do you think will the woman choose?    [A]A three-day trip by train.   [B]A three-day trip by coach.    [C]An exclusive three-day trip.   [D]A three-day trip without accommodation.    Questions l7——20 are based on a report about high style cameras.You now have 20 seconds to read   Questions l7~20.   17.What is Canon Digital PowerShot$23o camera’s size?    [A]Similar to a credit card.   [B]Similar to a necklace.    [C]Similar to a cigarette box.   [D]Similar to a dressing case.   18.What are the target consumers of Digital PowerShot$23o camera?    [A]Young white-collar men.   [B]Middle-aged white-collar men.    [C]Young white-collar women.   [D]Middle-aged white-collar women.   19.There is an ad that shows a photo of a fashionable blonde sheathed in clingy black dress,an ATM- carsize camera suspended like a necklace.Which company takes this ad?   [A]Canon.   [B]Sony.   [C]Nokia.   [D]Casio.   20.According to the report,which of the following sentences is NOT true?    [A]Now manufacturers are seeking a combination of high-tech features and“cool”design.   [B]Those young white-collar women have not been the primary buyers of digital cameras.   [C]Digital technology is still a novelty nowadays.   [D]The Canon Digital PowerShot$23o camera is introduced in September,2002.

  Part A   W:Come in,Mr Wang.My name is Mary Henderson.How do you do? M:How do you do?   W:Please sit down.I hope you had no problems getting here from China. M:N0,it was very easy.   W:Good.Now I’d like to check a few details.You’re twenty-one,aren’t you? M:Actually I’m twenty-two.   W:And when did you leave school? M:When l was l8.   W:What have you been doing since then?   M:I have been studying physics at Tsinghua University.   W:That’s a useful subject for pilots.Tell me。what are your reasons for wanting to be a pilot? M:I have always wanted to be a pilot.I love planes and I enjoy travelin9.   W:Why did you decide to train in England?   M:Because the Oxford Air Training School has an excellent reputation.and English is the international language for pilots.   W:I see.Well,I hope you enjoy the course.Your English is very good.Did you learn it at school?   M:Yes.But I have also studied English in London。and last year I passed the proficiency examination. W:Oh,that explains it.Do you have any questions?   M:When will we start flying?   W:Not immediately,I’m afraid.You have to start with training on the ground.   Part B   John F.Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln liveel in different times and had very different family and educational backgrounds.Kennedy lived in the 20th century;Lincoln lived in the l9th century.Kennedy was born in l917,whereas Lincoln was bom more than l00 years earlier,in l809.As for their family backgrounds,Kennedy came from a wealthy family,and he was able to attend expensive private schools. He graduated from Harvard University.Lincoln,on the other hand,had only one year of formal schoolin9.In spite of his lack of forrnal schooling,he became a well-known lawyer.He taught himself law by reading law books.Lincoln was.in other words.a self-educated man.   In spite of these differences in Kennedy and Lincoln’s backgrounds,some interesting similarities between the two men are evident.In fact,books have been written about the strange coincidences in the lives of these two men.For example,take their political careers.Lincoln began his political career as a US Congressman.Similarly,Kennedy also began his political career as a Congressman.Lincoln was elected to the US House of Representatives in l847,and Kennedy was elected to the House in l947.They went to Congress just l00 years apart.Another interesting coincidence is that each man was elected President of the United States in a year ending with the number 60.Lincoln was elected President in l860,and Kennedy was elected in l960.Furthermore,both men were presidents during years of civil unrest in the country:Lincoln was President during the American Civil War.During Kennedy’s term of office civil unrest took the forlTl of civil rights demonstrations.   Another striking similarity between the two men was that as you probably know neither president1ived to complete his terln in office.Lincoln and Kennedy were both assassinated while in office.Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas,Texas,after only l000 days in office.Lincoln was assassinated in l865,a few davs after the end of the American Civil War.It is rather curious to note that both presidents were shot while they were sitting next to their wives.   These are onlv a few examples of the uncanny——the unusual——similarities in the destinies of these two Americans,men who had a tremendous impact on the social and political life of the United States and the imagination of the American people.   Part C   Questions ll——l3 are based on a talk about the problem of rising population.You now have l5 seconds to   read Questions ll~13.   The need for birth control methods has developed fairly recently,with the desire among many women to be able to decide when they want to have a baby.At the same time,there is 3 9rowing awareness of the problem of a rapidly increasing world population.   This problem of a rising world population is largely the result of improved medical skills,which have lowered the death rate and the same time raised the birth rate by increasing live births and the number of babies who survive early childhood.There is a growing realization that food production can not keep pace with these increases,the result of which is that in some countries people are already starving to death while many millions more suffer from malnutrition.This problem is further complicated by the fact that places like America and Europe obtain by trade and consun-le far more food and resources like oil than,say,the average Indian,thus leaving even less for the people in the underdeveloped area to survive on.   World population is rising at a rate of 2%a year;this means and addition of 70 million people a year to the present population of more than 3500 million.There are striking regional differences in the population growth trends.The fastest growing region is Latin America which includes South and Central America and the Caribbean,while Africa and Asia closely follow Latin America.However the largest absolute addition to the world population is in Asia which at present contains about three-fifths of the people of the world.   Questions 14~16 are based on the following dialogue on arranging a holiday.You now have l5 seconds to   read Questions 14~16.   w:Hell0.   M:Be with you in just a moment,Madam…Yes,now may I help? W:Yes,arm,I’d like to book a holiday somewhere in Britain.   M:Yes,of course.Were you thinking of any special place in particular? W:Well,I don’t know really.Can you recommend anywhere?   M:Well,there’8 London,of course.   W:Well,no,no.I’ve been to London already.I think I’m looking for theatres and,arm,some of your pubs.   M:Let me think now.There’s Salisbury,there’s Chichester.Chichester’s got a very famous theatre.And of course York,very famous for its Y()rk Minster the Cathedral.Yeh,Edinburgh,Edinburghin Scotland.   W:Oh,I’ve not been to Scotland before.SO,I mean,what have you got for Edinburgh?   M:Well,let me look that up…here we are.Exeter.Edinburgh.Now we’ve got a three-day inclusive trip errn…that’s by coach and that would cost you£92.50,about$150.Alternatively,now just a moment.There’s another three-day trip going by train,that’s a tiny bit more expensive…also what we callinclusive.   W:Yeh…erlTl,how much is that one? M:That’s£100,about$160.   W:What about the accommodation that goes with that trip?   M:Well,that is inclusive.It means…It’s a three-star hotel,which is pretty good quality,right in the center of towrL We’ve had a lot of customers wh0’ve stayed there and they have been perfectly happy. Er,it is what we call bed and breakfast though.Would that be all right?   W:Oh,that would suit me fine,because I’d like to try some of that Scottish food,that haggis,whatever it is…so…so…that…   M:Of course,so when would you like to go?This 3-day trip by train is only available in mid-week.That would be Tuesday,Wednesday,and Thursday.Would that suit you?   W:Wonderful. M:All right.   Questions l7~20 are based on a report about high style cameras.You now have 20 seconds to read   Questions 17~20.   With its 2X optical zoom lens,3.2 megapixels and the size of a credit card。the Canon Digital Power— Shot$230 camera,introduced in September,2002,might strike some as a marvel.But the company is betting that its new target market of young white-collar women,who have not been the primary buyers of digital cameras,will love the tiny wonder for its look.   Inspired by companies like Nokia,which early on emphasized design in an effort to sell cellphones to the increasingly style-conscious public,camera makers,t00,are now promoting their products as fashion accessories.Canon is among a growing number of manufacturers playing up not only the latest in fancy technology but also what marketers call the“cool factor”.a combination of high-tech features and streamlined,compact design.   In its print and television ad campaigns,the Canon PowerShot dangles from a clothes hanger.“Stainless steel goes with everythin9,”the copy reads.Casi0,the maker of the Exilim,has taken a similar style.Its print ads show a photo of a fashionable young woman in jeans,her compact digital protruding from her hip pocket over the slogan“No visible cameralines”.Now that digital technology is no longer a novelty,Sony is also seeking a new group of consumers,mostly women in their 20’s and early 30’s.And the latest of Sony’s print ads features a shapely blonde sheathed in a clingy black dress,an ATM-card-size CyberShot U suspended like a necklace.“It looks like cool jewelry,and that’s the point,”Jim Malcolm, Sony’s senior marketing manager for digital cameras,said.
