
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 14:24:51 公共英语等级考试

  21.[A]small [B]educational [C]big [D]business

  22.[A]claimed [B]called [C]spoken [D]told

  23.[A]as [B]with [C]over [D]in

  24.[A]money [B]discounts [C]priees [D]costs

  25.[A]exciting [B]encouraging [C]despairing [D]disappointing

  26.[A]ourselves [B]customers [C]companies [D]US

  27.[A]to [B]for [C]in [D]with

  28.[A]as if [B]even though [C]just as [D]although

  29.[A]custom [B]literacy [C]poem [D]tradition

  30.[A]artificial [B]human [C]wise [D]high

  31.[A]capable [B]possible [C]probable [D]available

  32.[A]compared [B]comparing [C]contrasted [D]contrasting

  33.[A]than [B]above [Clover [D]from

  34.[A]tools [B]robots Eelequipment [D]electronics

  35.[A]other [B]big [C]little [D]robot

  36.[A]expensive [B]artificial [C]educational [D]low-cost

  37.[A]up to [B]to [C]in [D]about

  38.[A]mechanical [B]standard [C]cheap [D]small

  39.[A]much [B]many [C]both [D]some

  40.[A]more [B]less [C]no [D]least

  41.What is the passage mainly talking about?

  [A]The necessity of the education about AIDS.

  [B]How to achieve the aims of AIDS courses.

  [C]Risks associated with AIDS.

  [D]Social responses to AIDS.

  42.Why did the author offer the AIDS course7

  [A] He wanted to teach people about a cure for AIDS.

  [B]People need to be taught how to avoid those with AIDS.

  [C]He wanted to teach the students that AIDS resulted from moral failure.

  [D]People take improper attitudes towards AIDS and those with or at high risk of

  43.The word“afflict”in the third sentence of the first paragraph nlost plobably means“__________”.

  [A] benTl

  [B]cause suffering to


  [D]draw attention from

  44.What does the author think is the correct resDonse to AIDS?

  [A] contempt

  [B]Optimism and bravad0.

  [C]Understanding and compassion.

  [D]Resentment and avoidance.

  45.Which of the following can best explain“AIDS tests the institutions upon which our societv rcsfs, according to the passage?

  [A] AIDS is a sign of moral failure and social c011aDse.

  [B]AIDS indicates that our social systems have been very inefficient.

  [C] The responses of a society to the threat of AIDS detemines whether and to what extent the society can be called civilized.

  [D]The spreading of the fatal disease suggests that the nation’s resources have been wron91y used