
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 14:36:32 公共英语等级考试

  21.[A] compatible [B]parallel [C] similar [D]identical

  22.[A]Furthermore [B] However [C] Hence [D]Otherwise

  23.[A]addition[B]brief [C]general [D] fact

  24.[A]provided[B]since [C]whereas [D] though

  25.[A]stages [B] periods [C] years [D]sessions

  26.[A]location[B]position [C]situation [D]condition

  27.[A]patterns[B]designs [C]stations [D]schemes

  28.[A]variation [B]balance [C]frequency [D]stability

  29. [A] small [B] few [C]rare [D]scarce

  30. [A]operation[B]production[C] procession[D]action

  31. [A] spending [B]planning [C] financing [D]saving

  32. [A] expenditures [B]benefits[C]costs [D]profits

  33. [A]expensively [B]consistently [C] periodically [D]cheaply

  34. [A] conveniently [B]beneficially [C] advantageously[D]favorably

  35. [A]on account of [B]in terms of [C]regardless of [D]in spite of

  36. [A]Like[B]Except[C]Regarding [D]With

  37. [A] application[B]endurance[C] expectancy[D]extension

  38. [A]concentration [B] continuity[C] conformity [D]conductivity

  39. [A]develop [B]differ[C]depart[D]derive

  40. [A]interchangeably[B] immediately [C] intermittently[D]intensively

  41. In the author’s opinion, the high inflation rate in the US was accompanied by

  [A]energy crises

  [B]mounting wages

  [C]housing shortage

  [D]shrinking market

  42. The only way to reverse the worsening situation seems to be

  [A]a policy of gradualism

  [B]sacrifiee of public interests

  [C]radical changes of policy

  [D]postponing of drastic actions

  43. We can learn from the fourth paragraph that

  [A]a substantial cut in annual revenue is called for

  [B]defense and social welfare programs should undergo cuts

  [C]we should leave intact programs for bettering people’s living

  [D]we should exercise less control over monetary policy

  44. The phrase "special sectors"(Line 1, Para. 7 ) most probably refers to

  [A]energy, food and housing

  [B]indexed programs

  [C]social security and food stamps

  [D]arge corporations and labor settlements

  45. What is the text mainly about?

  [A]The defect of US monetary system.

  [B]The causes of ever-worsening inflation in the US.

  [C]Prospects for the US economic situation.

  [D]A comprehensive settlement of inflation in the l IN
