
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 15:37:29 公共英语等级考试


  1. The writer holds that the potential to make healthy body tissues will _______。

  [ A ] aggravate moral issues of human cloning

  [ B ] bring great benefits to human beings

  [ C ] help scientists decode body instructions

  [ D ] involve employing surgical instruments

  2. The word “rejuvenated” ( Para. 5) most probably means _______。

  [ A ] modified

  [ B ] re-collected

  [ C ] classified

  [ D ] reactivated

  3. The research at the University of Wisconsin is mentioned to show _______。

  [ A ] the isolation of stem cells

  [ B ] the effects of gene therapies

  [ C ] the advantages of human cloning

  [ D ] the limitations of tissue replacements

  4. Which of the following is true according to the text?

  [ A ] The principle of gene therapy is applicable to that of cloning.

  [ B ] The isolation of stem cells is too difficult to be feasible.

  [ C ] It is reasonable for all body instructions to be activated.

  [ D ] Cloned animals will eventually take control of the world.

  5. Towards the genetic research, the author’s attitude can best be said to be that of_______。

  [ A ] frustration

  [ B ] indifference

  [ C ] amazement

  [ D ] opposition



  1.B【解析】文章开宗明义,在第~·段讲述到,如果我们掌握了基因科学,将会对人类有极大的好处。此外第三段的第一句“Yet this untapped potential could be a terrific boon to medicine”,意为“然而这种没被开发的潜能对医学有极大的好处”,作者在全文的最后一句又呼应了这一观点。故应选B。


  3.A 【解析】由第四段“...the University of Wisconsin managed to isolate stem cells..”可知,虽然研究很困难,但这所大学还是在去年秋天设法分裂r干细胞。故应选A。

  4.A【解析】文章后面指出其实基因治疗的原理和克隆的原理两者完全是可以通用的,具体的解题点在于文章的第五段第一句话“the same applies to cloning”。故应选A。


  困难,但科学家们正在谈论克服困难的办法而且非常努力,并且作者最后说道“That could prove to be a true‘miracle cure’”.当真正使用克隆技术为人类治疗的时候,那将会是真正的“神奇医疗”。故应选C。
