
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 14:30:09 公共英语等级考试
11. I can ________ some noise while I’m studying, but I can’t stand loud noises.

  A) come up with B) catch up with C) put up with D) keep up with

  12. When the whole area was ________ by the flood, the government sent food there by helicopter.

  A) cut away B) cut down C) cut up D) cut off

  13. The bridge was named ________ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.

  A) after B) with C) by D) from

  14. There were no tickets ________ for Friday’s performance.

  A) preferable B) considerable C) possible D) available

  15. Many new ________ will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.

  A) opportunities B) necessities C) realities D) probabilities

  答案:11-15 CDADA

  16. The rain was heavy and ________ the land was flooded.

  A) consequently B) continuously C) constantly D) consistently

  17. The engine ________ smoke and steam.

  A) gives up B) gives in C) gives away D) gives off

  18. Don’t ________ this news to the public until we give you the go-ahead.

  A) release B) relieve C) relate D) retain

  19. I should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and ________ in a quiet neighborhood.

  A) all in all B) above all C) after all D) over all

  20. ________ we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.

  A) For now B) Now that C) Ever since D) By now

  答案:16-20 ADABB公共英语等级考试