
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 11:35:26 公共英语等级考试
Text 4


  56.“The British trial systern is more like a game than a serious attempt to do justice”(Lines 2~3, Paragraph l)implies that__________.

  [A]the British legal system can do the basic job well__________convicting the guilty and acquitting the irmocent

  [B]the British legal system is worse than the continental legal system

  [C]the British legal system is often considered to he not very fair

  [D]the British legal system is very efficient

  57.Which of the following sentences is NOT true?

  [A]Oral evidence was unnecessary in France because the judges and prosecutors could read.

  [B]When trial by ordeal was finally abandoned throughout Europe,trial by jury Was introduced in Britain.

  [C]In the adversarial system,it is the lawyers who play the leading roles.

  [D]Lawyers in Britain are prepared to lie in order to win their cases.

  58.In Britain,newspapers__________.

  [A]do the same as American newspapers do

  [B]are not interested in publishing details about the trial before it takes place

  [C]are not allowed to publish details about the trial before it takes place

  [D]are allowed to publish details about the trial before it takes place

  59.We can infer that American lawyers__________.

  [A]do not attempt to familiarize themselves with cases

  [B]prepare the CaSes themselves

  [C]tend to he more passionately involved in their CaSeS

  [D]tend to approach CaSes dispassionately

  60.The passage__________.

  [A]questions whether the system of trial by jury earl ever he completely efficient

  [B]suggests a number of reforms which should he made to the legal systems of various countries

  [C]describes how the British legal system works and compares it favourably with other systems

  [D]compares the legal systems of a numher of countries and discusses their advantages and disadvantages

  Part B

  Section IV Writing

  (35 nlinutes)

  66.Some people prefer to plan activities for their free time very carefully.Others choose not to ItA2ke any plan at all for their free time.Thgve isdiscussion in the local newspaper on this issue:Which do you prefer— planning or not planning for your leisure time?Write an essay for the same newspaper to

  (1)cornpare the benefits of planning free time activities with the benefits of not making plans.

  (2)state fir ozon choice,and

  (3)give rgaso?ls for your choice.

  In fir essay,you should use specific reaso’n3 and examples to support your choice.

  You should write l60~200 words On ANSl4ER SHEET 2.

  Section II Use of English公共英语等级考试