
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 12:29:59 公共英语等级考试
  1.Who is that woman near the door?
  [A]She is the man’s friend.
  [B]She is the man’s sister.
  [C]She is the man’s boss.
  2. Where does this conversation most probably take place?
  [A]At home.
  [B]In a hospital.
  [C]At a hotel.
  3.Which of the following statements is true?
  [A]Martin spoke last but not best.
  [B]Martin spoke last and best.
  [C]Even though last, Martin spoke fast.
  4.What would happen if people drop rubbish in a wrong place?
  [A]They would be happy.
  [B]They would be fined.
  [C]Nothing would happen.
  5.What does the man mean?
  [A]Everyone ate his fish.
  [B]No one ate his fish.
  [C]It was not enough for all of them.
  6.What will the man do in the evening?
  [A]Go to London.
  [B]Meet somebody.
  [C]See the woman again.
  7.Where are the speakers?
  [A]In the street.
  [B]In a hotel.
  [C]In a taxi.
  8.What are John and Mary talking about?
  [B]The Capital Building.
  [C]The fire of the Capital Building.
  9.How many people were killed in the fire?
  [A]More than 220 people.
  [B]About 50 people.
  [C]More than 300 people.
  10.What advice does John give Mary?
  [A]He advises her to cook more quickly.
  [B]He advises her to be careful of the fire.
  [C]He advises her not to turn the gas off.
  11.What’s wrong with Tom according to the dialogue?
  [A]He misses his birthday party.
  [B]He doesn’t want to go to hospital.
  [C]He has a cold and his throat hurts.
  12.Which day is Tom’s birthday?
  13.What’s the woman going to do?
  [A]To think about a good idea for Tow
  [B]To give up the chance of helping Tow
  [C]To help Tom leave the hospital as soon as possible.
  14.Why does the woman ask Tom to put on his clothes?
  [A]She worries about Tom to get a bad cold.
  [B]She knows that Tom used to wear more clothes in autumn.
  [C]She’ll take Tom to see other children who’ll have their tonsils(扁桃腺)out.
  1 5.What is the text about?
  [A]It’s about celebrating Christmas.
  [B]It’s about Christmas decoration.
  [C]It’s about Christmas trees.
  16.Why do people come to big cities such as New York and Washington at Christmas time?
  [A]They come to admire the trees and the decorated shop windows in these cities.
  [B]They come to decorate a Christmas tree themselves.
  [C]They come to have a Christmas eve in the White House with the president.
  17.Why did people keep dogs in the old days?
  [A]People used dogs for hunting.
  [B]People used dogs for protection.
  [C]People used dogs for food.
  18.What do old couples think of their dog?
  [A]They regard it as a friend.
  [B]They regard it as a child.
  [C]They regard it as a pet.
  19.What can a dog do for his master now?
  [A]It can go hunting with the master.
  [B]It can protect the master from animals.
  [C]It can protect the master from thieves.
  20.What can we learn from the passage?
  [A]People keep dogs mostly for companionship now.
  [B]Most people in the West still keep dogs for protection.
  [C]People keep dogs because they love animals.

  1.[C]。男士最后一句话中说:She is our boss(她是我们老板),然后女士对她的美貌表示赞叹,选[C]。
  2.[C]。本题考查的是地点。提示地点的关键词是room number(房间号)、lift(电梯)和luggage(行李),它们不但表明对话地点是在旅店,还表明男士是旅店服务生、女士是顾客。
  3.[B]。男士询问Martin的演讲如何,女士说:....was the last one...was the best one,考生只要听清了这两处即可知答案为[B]。
  4.[B]。女士最后一句话中明确指出:or they would be fined(否则他们会被罚款),与[B]一致。
  5.[A]。男士回答中用了so...that...这一句型,本题考查点就是对这一句型后一句it was enough for all of us的理解,它指“足够我们所有人吃”,其意就是所有人都吃了,因此答案是[A]。
  6.[B]。本题问的是男士晚上要做什么,从第一轮对话中男士的最后一句:I’m meeting someone this evenin9,就可知[B]是正确的。
  8.[C]。本题需要考生听完整个对话才能作答。第二、三、四轮对话谈及的是一栋建筑着火的新闻,从男士的话:The Capital Building caught on a big fire today及后面谈论的死伤人数、灭火时间等可知[C]对。
  9.[A]。在第三轮对话中男士指出死亡人数为:More than 220 people were killed,答案为[A]。
  11.[C]。本题属于带有推断性质的细节题。在第一个话轮中,男士肯定回答女士does your throat hurt的提问,说明他的喉咙疼;而在第三个话轮中女士指出:You’ll have your tonsils out...any more(明天你就要切除扁桃腺,这样你就不会再得那么多伤风了),由这一句可以推断出,男士是得了伤风,引起喉咙疼痛。因此,本题正确答案就是包括了这两个方面的[C]。其余两项都属于干扰项。
  12.[A]。细节题。第三个话轮中男士明确指出其生日是在周六:I’ll miss my birthday party on Saturday(我会赶不上周六我的生日晚会的)。
  13.[A]。本题属于分析推理题。第三个话轮中男士提出自己的担心后,第四个话轮中女士提出Let me try to work something out(让我想想解决的办法),而在第六个话轮中女士又重复和强调说I’ll get a new idea
  14.[C]。分析推理题。在第八个话轮中女士说:When we get there,you’ll see them operated courageously(我们到那里后,你会看到他们勇敢地接受手术的过程),由此可以推断他们是准备去看其他孩子切除扁桃腺的手术,因此本题答案就是[C]。
  16.[A]。本题为细节题。独自最后一句指出:People come...to admire the trees and the gaily decorated shop windows…即人们是为了欣赏圣诞树和装饰华丽的商店橱窗而来,这里to引出的介词结构表目的,同时也是原因,故本题答案是[A]。其余两项都属于用原文中的词句设置的干扰项。
  17.[B]。独白第四句指出:In the old days...to protect themselves against attacks by other beasts,即以前的人训练狗是为了防止自己被野兽攻击,因此选[B]。考生只要听清了与in the old days对应的protect一词,或者根据常识即可确定答案。
  18.[B]。独自的倒数第二句中提到了老年夫妇养狗的原因:For old couples,a dog is also their child...因此本题答案就是[B]。
  19.[C]。独自后半部分谈论的是如今狗的用途,在倒数第六句中指出,狗可以防贼:...protect them from thieves,故答案是[C]。
  20.[A]。独白的倒数第五句指出,现在人们养狗是为了做伴:But the most important reason is for companionship,与[A]一致。