
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 11:20:32 公共英语等级考试
第一部分听力   第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的[A]、[B]、[C]三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。   每段对话仅读一遍。

  1.What time does the woman often get to her office every morning?   [A]At 7:30.   [B]At 7:45.   [C]At 7:50.   2.What will the man do next?   [A]Try on the jacket.   [B]Try on the suit.   [C]Continue looking.   3.What does the woman mean?   [A]Ben will come to the party.   [B]He is at a conference tomorrow.   [C]Ben is unable to come to the party.   4.What are they talking about?   [A]The food is not enough.   [B]The food is not cooked enough.   [C]The food is cooked well.   5.Where are the man and woman?   [A]At home.   [B]In an office.   [C]In a taxi.   第二节听下面5段对话或独自。每段对话或独自后有几个小题,从题中所给的[A]、[B]、[C]三个选   项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独自前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听   完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独自读两遍。   听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。   6.How is the kitchen?   [A]It is large.   [B]It is comfortable.   [C]It is modern,   7.How many washrooms are there in the house?   [A]One.   [B]Two.   [C]Three.   听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。   8.Where did the marl find his school bag?   [A]In a park.   [B]In the language lab.   [C]Under a tree.   9.What is the price of the bag?   [A]$59.60.   [B]$69.15.   [C]$69.50.   10.How long will the woman have to wait to get the next weather report?   [A]10 minutes.   [B]20 minutes.   [C]30 minutes.   听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。   11.How long hasn’t the man heard from Clara?   [A]More than three years.   [B]Less than three years.   [C]Three years.   12.What is the mail going to do?   [A]He is opening a company.   [B]He is getting married.   [C]He will be back to Australia.   13.What is the gift that the woman will give him?   [A]A piece of necklace.   [B]A ring.   [C]A bunch of flowers.   听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。   14.How long has the author known the barber?   [A]Five years.   [B]Almost four years.   [C]Almost six years.   15.Where does the barber go for his holidays every year?   [A]England.   [B]America.   [C]France.   16.How long does the barber go for his holidays every year?   [A]A month.   [B]Two weeks.   [C]Two days.   听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。   17.Where were the small girl and her mother having a walk?   [A]In the downtown.[B]At the beach.[C]In the country.   18.Why did they get wet?   [A]Because it began to rain very hard and they did not have their umbrellas with them.   [B]Because there Was nowhere to hide from the rain.   EC]Both A and 13.   19.How did the mother answer the girl’s question?   [A]She said the rain was nice.   [B]She said the rain was very useful.   [C]She said the rain was terrible.   20.Was the small girl happy with her mother’s answer?   [A]No,she Wasn’t.   [B]Yes,she was.   [C]Yes.She could understand her.

  第一部分听力   1.[C]。本题属于数字题。女士的回答中有两个时间数词:7:30和twenty minutes,两个数字相加可知,她到达办公室的时间应当是7:50。   2.[C]。女士询问男士是否想试穿(try on),男士先说Thank you,然后用中but句型表示了自己的否定,并明确说I’ll look further(我想再看看),还补充说明颜色不适合自己,因此他极有可能“继续看”,选[C]。   3.[C]。男士问女士是否邀请了Ben,女士没有直接回答,而是说He’s away at a conference until tomorrow,即Ben去开会了,要到明天才能回来。其隐含的意思就是由于这个原因Ben来不了,选[C]。   4.[B]。本题考查的是对话的主旨。男士首先提出说自己要make a complaint(投诉),然后在第二轮对话中又指出问题所在:I don’t believe the food is cooked enough,即他认为食物没熟,因此答案是[B]。   s.[C]。本题考查的是对话地点。女士首先指出了一个地点(Fast Beijing Road),然后说明自己要在9点钟到达,在第二轮对话里女士又询问什么时候能到达;丽男士一一进行了回答,并提到了traffic is often busy(交通繁忙)。因此最有可能的是女士坐的是出租车,而男士是司机,选[C]。   6.[C]。细节捕捉题。在第二轮对话中男士询问厨房的情况(What about the kitchen),而在第三轮对话中女士回答说:it is quite modern,并对厨房的设施进行了说明,这与[C]一致。   7.[B]。细节捕捉题。在最后一轮对话中,男士询问了洗手间的情况,女士回答说:There are two washrooms in the house,只要听清了这一句就可以作答。   8.[C]。细节捕捉题。在第一个话轮中,男士直接回答了女士的提问:It was lying under a tree...,故正确答案就是[C]。其他两项都属于用这一句中的词语设置的干扰项。   9.[C]。本题属于数字细节题。第三个话轮中男士直接回答了书包的价钱:69 dollars and 50 cents(69美元50美分),即69.5美元,考生关键是听清这个数字。   10.[B]。本题属于计算题。在第四个话轮中女士明确指出现在的时间是6:30,而男士则指出天气预报是整点前后10分钟播报,显然20分钟后(00 6:50)就能听到天气预报,故答案是[B]。   11.[A]。男士第一句话提到了一个时间:at least three years,至少有3年即超过了3年,故选[A]。   12.[B]。在第一轮对话中,女士最后一句说:I heard...you are getting married,其中的you指的就是与之对话的男士,说明男士要结婚了。而后面的对话中又提到了结婚日期,故答案是[B]。   13.[C]。在最后两轮对话中,女士说要送礼物给男士,闻男士想要什么,男士说一束花就行(a bunch of flowers will do),而女士肯定回答说I see(我知道了)。由此可推断女士最终会送男士一束花,选[C]。   14.[B]。本题属于数字信息题。独白第三句明确指出:I have known him for almost four years(我认识他差不多四年了),听清了four years一处即可选出正确答案。   15.[C]。地点信息题。独白第二段第一句即指出,理发师每年都到法国去度假两个星期(Every year my barber goes to France for two weeks for his holidays)。而后文中又出现了French、Paris等词,也可印证他常去法国。   16.[B]。本题对应的细节位于第二段第一句:Every year my barber goes to France for two weeks for his holidays。像这种一句话中考查两个细节信息的题目,在实考中较为少见。   17.[C]。独白第一句即指出,小女孩和她母亲散步的地点是在乡村:...were having a walk in the country,故本题答案是[C]。   18.[C]。独自第一句指出开始下雨了,第二句则说她们没有带伞(They did not have their umbrellas with them),并且没有地方躲雨(nowhere to hide from the rain),因此很快就淋湿了。故[A]、[B]都是她们淋湿的原因,选[C]。   19.[B]。独自第三段母亲的回答中直接指出:it’s useful,其中的it指代的就是女孩询问时指的rain。在后面,母亲还解释了说it’s useful的原因。因此本题答案是[B]。   20.[A]。独白最后说,女孩考虑了几秒钟,然后又提出了一个问题。由这一点可以推断出,女孩对母亲的回答和解释是没有理解的,否则就不会再提出问题了,因此答案应选含否定义的[A]。公共英语等级考试