
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 11:41:09 公共英语等级考试


  1. Where is Mr Smith now?
  [A]At his office.
  [B]At lunch.
  [C]At the travel agency.
  2. How long is the Changjiang River?
  [A]About 6000 km.
  [B]About 5000 km.
  [C]About 4000 kin.
  3. What did the man say about his dictionary?
  [A]He has bought a new one.
  [B]He lost his old one and borrowed a new one.
  [C]He didn’t have any dictionary then.
  4. What is the matter with Jane?
  [A]She has a backache.
  [B]She is in the danger of being killed.
  [C]Something is wrong with her backside.
  5. What did the man mean?
  [A]He never does assignments early.
  [B]He’ll finish it in a few minutes.
  [C] He wrote it last semester.


  6. Where will the woman go?
  [A]The bus station.
  [B]The railway station.
  7. What language is the man’s mother language?
  [A] English.
  [B] Spdnish.
  8. Where does this conversation take place?
  [A]In the school.
  [B]At Lynn’s home.
  [C]In the supermarket.
  9. Why did Lynn have a fever?
  [A]She was caught in the heavy rain.
  [B]She had some bad food.
  [C]She did a lot of work.
  10, Why doesn’t the woman want to go out with the man?
  [A]Because she has to wash her hair.
  [B]Because she always refuses to see films.
  [C]Because she doesn’t like the man.
  11. Does the woman really want to wash her hair?
  [A]No, it’s just an excuse.
  [B]Yes, there is something wrong with her hair.
  [C]Yes, she has a habit of washing her hair every night.
  12. What is the probably result?
  [A]The woman goes to see the film with the man.
  [B]The man is disappointed at being refused.
  [C]The woman feels uneasy to refuse the man’s invitation.
  13. What were British people interested in the 1890s?
  [A]Driving cars.
  [B]Playing cards.
  [C]Collecting postcards.
  14. Who had a postcard collection in the royal family?
  [A]King Edward.
  [B]Queen Elizabeth.
  [C]Queen Victoria.
  15. How was the British postal system then?
  [A]Cheap but inefficient.
  [B]Expensive and good.
  [C]Cheap and efficient.
  16. When was the present postcard created?
  [A]In 1819,
  [B]In 1902.
  [C]In 1912.
  17. Why did Betty come to the hotel?
  [A]Because she stayed in the hotel.
  [B]Because she hoped to get a job there.
  [C]Because she took a course there.
  18. Which language is Betty weakest in?
  19. What is the most important for a worker at a hotel?
  [A]Working with people.
  [B]Using a computer.
  20. What kind of working experience does Betty have?
  [A]She has experience in teaching.
  [B]She has experience in waiting tables.
  [C]She has experience in receiving guests.


  1.[B]。本题属于细节信息捕捉题。女士的回答中明确指出He(即男士话语中的Mr Smith)is out for lunch,即他出去吃中饭了。
  2.[A]。此题考查的重点是长度计算。对话中男士问长江是不是25000千米,女士首先就给出了否定, 然后告知男士它是“a quarter the length you said”,所以长江应该长6000多千米。
  3.[C]。女士向男士借词典,男士首先用虚拟语气表示了自己的遗憾(if I had one),由这一点考生即应 当能推断出结果是否定的;然后男士进一步解释了原因:I lost my old one…a new one yet,即昨天把旧词 典丢了,还没买新的。因此答案就是[C]。
  4.[A]。本题虽有两轮对话,但较简单,只要听清了女士话中的back和killing两个词,结合常识即可确 定答案。注意,killing在此指的是“疼得要命”,并非“杀死”。
  5.[A]。本题较难,需要推断婉转表达的真实含意。男士首先否定回答,说明他还没有完成论文,然后 又说自己always seem tO put things off until the last minute(似乎总爱将事情推到最后一刻),其隐含的意思 就是他从不提前完成作业,故选[A]。
  6.[B]。女士在第一句话即用询问的常用句型could you tell me…指出了自己要去的地方:(how I can)get tO the railway station,即去火车站。
  7.[B]。在第三轮对话中男士直接回答说:Spanish is my mother language(西班牙语是我的母语),因此 答案是[B]。
  8.[B]。这是问对话发生地点的题。在第三轮对话中,女士说:The doctor asked me to stay at home,即 医生让她今天待在家里,由这一句可知,对话也应该发生在她家里。
  g.[A]。这题问的是Lynn发烧的原因。从Lynn的叙述(第二轮对话中:Yesterday l went t0…1 was wet absolutely)可知,她是由于淋了雨才发烧的,因而选[A]。
  10.[C]。本题需要考生听完整个对话并结合常识进行一定的分析和推理。女士用同一个理由两次拒绝了男士看电影的邀请,并且在最后一句说她洗不洗头取决于是谁邀请她去看电影(It depends on who asks me to go to the cinema),由此并结合常识即可知,女士不喜欢男士,所以才拒绝他,故答案是[C]。
  12.[B]。本题也属于推断题。女士两次明确拒绝了男士的邀请,因此[A]、[C]两项显然都不对。男士 遭到拒绝后心里当然会感到失望,因此[B]项才是合理的结果。
  13.[C]。这是一段介绍收集明信片的小独白。其中第三句指出:In Britain in the l8g0s there was a postcard“popular fashion",即lg世纪g0年代英国收集明信片是一种很流行的时尚。考生只要听清了 18g0s这个时间数词和其后的a postcard“popular fashion”就不难选出答案。
  14.[C]。独自第五句话指出:Even Queen Victoria…,即甚至维多利亚女王也有自己的私人(明信片)收藏。而King Edward是在下一句提出来的,该句说的是他那个时候邮政系统很好,没有涉及他是否收藏明 信片;Queen Elizabeth在独白中没有提及。
  15.[C]。独白第六句说,爱德华国王时代,the British had a cheap and good postal system,而由后面几句 的描述可以看出,这里的good实际上指的就是邮政系统很有效率,故答案是[C]。
  16.[B]。独自第九句中提到了一个时间数词lg02,说那一年迈进了重要一步;而在独自最后一句又指出现在这种形式的明信片产生了。由它们的对应关系可知,答案是[B]。事实上,整个独自中只涉及了l8g0 和1g02两个时间,较易确定答案。
  17.[B]。整个对话中,男士一直在不停地提出问题,询问女士在语言、工作能力、工作时间等问题,而女士则积极地一一回答,且在男士的话中出现过there are a lot of otherjobs here、work on weekends、work with people等话语,由此不难推断出女士是在向男士求职。
  18.[C]。在第一轮对话中,女士回答男士关于语言的问题时说:I can speak English…French…a
  little Japanese。由三种语言的排序及其前的修饰语可知,她最弱的应当是日语。
  20.[B]。对话中涉及女士工作经历的内容是在第四轮对话,其中女士说:I used to work as a waitress at a restaurant,即她在餐馆当过女招待,也就是男士所说的wait tables,故答案是[B]。
