
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 12:37:46 公共英语等级考试

  1. What is the woman?
   [A]An operator. [B]An instructor. [C]A guide.
  2. How long will they have to wait before the game start?
   [A]30 minutes. [B]20 minutes. [C]15 minutes.
  3. What can be learned about the woman’s son?
   [A]He doesn’t like his new school.
   [B]He has made new friends in his new school.
   [C] He seems to have no new friends in his new school.
  4. How will the man be paid?
   [A]By the hour. [B]By the week. [C]By the month.
  5. What do we know about Peter Schmidt?
   [A]He has lost his ticket. [B]He is expecting a ticket. [C]He went out to buy a ticket.
  第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独自后有几个小题,从题中所给的[A]、[B]、[c]三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
  6. What do you suppose Mary did the day before? [A]She attended her grandfather’s funeral.
   [B]She told a lie to get the day off.
   [C]She meant to attend a funeral but she didn’t.
  7. What did you suppose Mary’s grandfather did the day before?
   [A]He knew Mary had cheated her boss and came to expose her. [B]He was dying but was saved by the doctors.
   [C]He was thought to be dead but in fact was well and alive.
  8. What can be learned from the telephone conversation you’ve just heard? [A]Mr Alexander is wanted on the phone but he is out.
   [B]Mr Johnson is wanted on the phone but he is out. [C]Mr Alexander works for ABC Imports.
  9. Who might be the person that has answered the phone call?
   [A]A receptionist.
   [B]A friend of Mr Johnson’s. [CMr Johnson’s boss.
  10. Which bank was robbed last night? [A]The bank in Green Street.
   [B]The hank near a police station.
   [C]The bank without any security guards.
  11. How much money was lost?
   [A]All of the money in the bank. [B]No a penny.
   [C]Some of the money in the bank.
  12. How many robbers were shot dead?
   [A]Three. [B]Two. [C]One.
  13. Why did Tom want to go and eat out that evening?
   [A]Because he was bored with the food his father cooked. [B]Because he was bored with the homemade food.
   IC]Because he liked the atmosphere at the restaurant.
  14. Where did Tom and his father finally agree to go for dinner?
   [AlTo a cafeteria. [B]To a fast food restaurant. [C]To a coffee shop.
  15. Why wouldn’t Tom do the driving?
   [A]He was still under 16.
   [B]He was a bit tired. [C]He was not a skillful driver yet. 16. What can you infer from the dialogue?
   [A]McDonald’s was Tom’s favorite.
   [B]Tom’s father never did cooking at home. [C]Tom and his father ordered too much.
  17. How does the woman feel at the beginning of the conversation?
   [A]Angry. [B] Surprised. [C] Sad.
  18. What size bag does the woman want?
   [A]A 24-inch bag. [B]A 29-inch bag. [C]A 32-inch bag.
  19. When will the woman leave for Mexico?
   [A]On Thursday. [B]On Friday. [C]On Saturday.
  20. Where does the man work?
   [A]At a mail order company.
   [B]At an international travel service. [C]At the airport information desk.  第一节…
   1.[A]。本题属于人物身份关系题。男士说想打电话(place a call to…),并且询问价钱(How much),而女士则进行了具体回答。由此可以推断出女士属于电话接线员(operator)。
   2.[C]。本题为时间计算题。关键在于听懂男士话语中的scheduled to begin at ten(原定l0点开始)和 NOW…9:45两处,简单计算后就可知,他们还需要等l5分钟。
   3.[B]。选项[B]与女士的话完全一致,只要听清了女士话中的have made new friends immediately(马上交到了新朋友)即可选出答案。
   4.[A]。本题关键是听清女士最后一句话中的$6.50 an hour,这表明是按小时付给男士薪水。
   5.[B]。本题属于推断题。在第一个话轮中,男士说自己找Peter Schmidt,而女士说Peter Schmidt出去了,第二个话轮中男士则请女士告诉Peter Schmidt说他的票好了(tell him his ticket’S ready),由此即可推知,Peter Schmidt向男士所在单位购票,并且在等着这张票(He is expecting the ticket),因此本题选[B]。第二节…
   6.[B]。本题属于推断题。听音重点和答题关键都在于对第二个话轮中男士的话语的理解。男士指出,昨天女士说要去参加祖父葬礼而离开,但半个小时后她祖父顺道过来看她(he dropped in to see you),听懂了这一句,结合常识即可知,昨天女士是撒谎找借口离开,故选[B]。
   8.[B]。由最初的两轮对话,特别是女士所用的May I help you这一常用的接待用语,及Mr Johnson isn’t available两处可知,女士应是接待员,而由男士所用的May I speak t0…这一打电话时的常用语可知,他是在找人接电话。由这两处即可推知答案为[B]。
   10.[A]。在第二轮对话中女士明确指出被抢的银行是the bank in Green Street,选项[A]与原文一致。
   11.[B]。在第三轮对话中女士指出:No a penny was robbed,听清了这一句就可知,一分钱也没有被抢。
  12.[B]。在倒数第二轮对话中女士说:The other two were shot dead when they fired at the police,意思是其余两个抢劫犯在向警察开火时被击毙。而由前一轮对话中女士对劫犯人数及其中一名劫犯的情况的说明也可知,只有两人被击毙。
   13.[A]。由第二个话轮中Tom的语气(Oh,no)以及We’ve had such things since Morn’S gone一句可知,他是厌倦了父亲所做的一尘不变的饭菜,故在下一个话轮中说要去吃麦当劳。其余两项都与原文不符。
  14.[B]。本题属于细节题,但带有常识性。第三个话轮中父亲同意Tom出去吃麦当劳,而由常识知麦当劳是一家快餐店(a fast food restaurant),因此答案是[B]。
  15.[B]。本题属于细节捕捉题。第三个话轮中父亲要求Tom开车,而在第四个话轮中Tom直接拒绝了,并说今天自己有点儿累(1’m a bit tired today)。
  16.[C]。本题属于推断题。推断的依据是对话中Tom父亲的最后一句话:I’m afraid we’11 have to do some packing(恐怕我们得打包了),这说明他们要的食物太多,吃不完,只能打包带走。其余两项都无法由对话原文合理推知。
  17.[A]。本题为推断题。在第一个话轮中,男士表明自己是客户服务处(Customer service),女士则叙述了自己订购一个32英寸的包、收到的却是一个24英寸的等情况。由常识可知,女士是在投诉(make a complaint),结合I can’t believe this is happenin9和常识即可知,只有angry(生气的)一词可以形容此时女士的心情,故答案是[A]。
  18.[C]。细节题。在第一个话轮中女士明确指出自己订购的是一个32英寸的包(I called and ordered a 32-inch bag),因此本题答案是[C]。
  19.[C]。细节题。在第一个话轮中,女士指出她出发去墨西哥度假的时间是周六:we will take off on
  20.[A]。本题属于推断题,但较为容易。在第一个话轮中男士首先指出自己的单位是客户服务处(Customer service),而在对话最后一句,他又感谢女士选择他们的服务:Thank you…for choosing Linch’S Mail,说明他是Linch’S Mail这个邮购公司的员工,因此本题答案就是[A]。公共英语等级考试