
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 11:35:58 公共英语等级考试
6. After a long and exhausting journey, they arrived ________.

  A) till the last B) at last C) by the end D) at the end

  7. None of the servants were ________ when Mr. Smith wanted to send a message.

  A) available B) attainable C) approachable D) applicable

  8. I can’t ________ what that object is.

  A) make up B) make over C) make out D) make for

  9. I want to buy a new tie to ________ this brown suit.

  A) go into B) go after C) go with D) go by

  10. The newest satellite can ________ a thousand telephone conversations and a colour TV program at the same time.

  A) carry B) extend C) bring D) take

  答案:6-10 BACCA公共英语等级考试