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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/12/03 01:48:47 博士入学考试





  一、肺 Lung
  清晰 clear
  肺门阴影增大 enlargement of hilar shadows
  肺纹理增粗 increase of lung markings
  钙化灶 calcified
  空洞 cavitation
  球形病灶 circular lesion (coin lesion)
  小块阴影区 a minimal area of density
  散状的点(片)状阴影 scattered spot (plaque-like) shadows
  边界不清的片状阴影 a poorly defined patchy density
  圆形致密影 a round density
  胸膜增厚 pleural thickening
  肋膈角模糊(变钝、消失)haziness (blunting, obliteration) of the costophrenic angle
  横膈抬高、活动受限 elevation of diaphragm with limitation of movement
  包裹性胸腔积液 encapsulated pleural effusion
  液气胸 hydropneumothorax
  纵膈移位 mediastinal displacement
  肺门模糊 hilar haze
  肺门密度增高 increase of pulmonary hilar density
  肺淤血(栓塞) pulmonary venous stasis (infarction)
  阴影性状 shadow
  淡的 haziness
  云雾状 clouding
  线装 streaky
  絮状 patcky
  结节状 nodular
  块状 massive
  粟粒状 miliary
  融合状 confluent
  均匀的 homogeneous
  二、心脏 Heart
  左(右)房(室)增大 left (right) atrial (ventricular) enlargement