
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 07:22:44 公共英语等级考试



  The doctor looked ( Example:___0___ ) the boy' s throat (喉咙), and listened to his heart.
  41 he asked Bobby and his mother a few ___42___ .

  At last the doctor said, "You' ll be well again by dinner time, my boy. "
  "Oh, Doctor! Do you ___43___think so?" Bobby's mother ___44___ very happy.
  Dr. Smith answered, "Mrs. Adams, your son has a sickness. ___45___ is very common ( 常见的 ) to boys who like football at a time ___46___ this. It comes and goes very quickly. "
  "Today," the doctor told her, "the ___47___ important football game of the year is on television. ___48___ Bobby feels well enough ___49___ television this afternoon, and I think he does, he will be ___50___ when the game is finished. "

  41. [ A ] Then [ B ] so    [ C ] But

  42. [ A ] words [ B ] problems [ C ] questions

  43. [ A ] really [ B ] always [ C ] usually

  44. [ A ]looks [ B ]has looked [ C ] looked

  45. [ A ] There [ B ] This [ C ] He

  46. [ A ] like [ B ] as [ C ] of

  47. [ A ] much [ B ] more [ C ] most

  48. [ A ] Until [ B ] Because [ C ] If

  49. [ A ] to watch [ B ] watching [ C ] watches

  50. [ A ] sad [ B ]fine [ C ] glad公共英语等级考试