
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 07:29:08 公共英语等级考试

  Sussex police ordered to search a six-foot, dark-haired   57____________

  youth about 20 he failed to rob an old lady – Mrs West.  58____________

  The youth rushed at the lady and tried to bring h      59____________

  things and money then she was walking through the street. 60___________

  Surprisingly, however, the old lady grasped the robber    61____________

  wrist (手腕) and it made him let out of a cry “Oh, no!   62____________

  Stop!“ and ran away. ”If I had been carrying my shopping, 63____________

  I would real have put him on his back,“ said Mrs West  64____________

  who took a course in judo (柔道) when younger. “When my  65____________

  husband was living. I used to practicing throwing h  66____________

  At Christmas,“ she explained.



  57.Search 后面加for

  58.he 改成who

  59.bring改成 take

  60.then 改成when



  63.had 改成hadn’t

  64.real 改成really


  66.Practicing改成 practise公共英语等级考试