
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 07:15:04 公共英语等级考试

  In more specific terms ,the application of information to economy is best exemplified in the net working and communication…

  A. in ….terms= in terms of 措辞、说法;

  E.g. The Australian professor spoke of the fighting against SARS in china in terms of praise.


  Don’t speak to your parents in impolite terms.


  B. Scientific/technical/legal terms 科学、技术、法律术语

  E.g. In box-office terms, Spider was a great success.


  C. be on good /bad terms with sb 和某人关系好/不好

  E.g. He is always on good terms with his neighbors.

  This net refers to the computer network of satellites…

  It (electronic currency) refers to on entire finance system on the net.

  refer to: allude to; apply to;  提及、应用于、指的是

  E.g. I wasn’t referring to you when I said someone was lazy.


  Internet shopping belongs to the first aspect…

  belong to: be the property of ,be a member of 属于

  E.g. Taiwan belongs to China.台湾属于中国.

  Which team do you belong to? 你是属于哪个队的?公共英语等级考试