有两个英语句子要提问!1.we must be clear which way to take.为什么?2.The same studies have found that man,on the other hand,tend to save for a car,which by the way takes a suprisingly large amount of the household budget in North America.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 23:31:54
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有两个英语句子要提问!1.we must be clear which way to take.为什么?2.The same studies have found that man,on the other hand,tend to save for a car,which by the way takes a suprisingly large amount of the household budget in North America. 用must提问用什么回答Must we share the housework with our parents?(做肯定回答)( ),we( )( ).后面有两个空,咋填? We must do our homework every day.对画线句子提问 do our homework every day we must take the lift downstairs when there is a fire.这句英语句子有什么错误?改正过来. 英语提问句子要中文,是句子! 如何保护环境?用英语写 句子用we should/we must/we can 写如何保护环境的句子 带有must英语句子 英语改写句子!You must finish this paper today.(划线部分提问must finish this paper)___ ___you do today? 用英语提问某人外貌或性格两个句子 帮忙找英语句子语法时态错误,It is must be fun that we enjoy the beautiful view强调句,动词时态好像有问题, 英语句子翻译We must bow to fate and accept what cannot be avoided. 一些英语句子怎样改被动语态1.Who helps you?2.Who does you help?3.Do you like your mother?4.We must learn English well. 为什么这句英语句子的receive要加ing?We must also consider the reaction of the person receiving the gift为什么receiving要加ing? We must (clean the classroom).括号内提问 We must shut the window.就shut the window提问 看下下面两个英语句子写的对不对 有没有语法的毛病 错了帮忙改正 在高考第一的时代,我们应该去学学术方面的课程,而不是浪费时间去学体育.In this period which high exam is so important,we must pay mo 英语 这里划线句子must 后面为什么要加be we must wash our hands before have dinner这句子有错误吗before之后加we吗