麻烦做下..急.1 I called ____you five times yesterday.Were you out?2 It's too late to go to the pictures.Why don't we call the whole thing____?3 We called___to him but he could not hear us.4 I called___the post office on my way to work5 This is w

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 21:47:11
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和……打架 用英文怎么写When I called him,he_ _ _ _ _(和……打架)his brother.谁帮我下,急 麻烦做下..急.1 I called ____you five times yesterday.Were you out?2 It's too late to go to the pictures.Why don't we call the whole thing____?3 We called___to him but he could not hear us.4 I called___the post office on my way to work5 This is w 麻烦做下最后一题,急, 这道数学题怎么做?麻烦翻译一下,然后说下解题思路,拜托了~~~(>_ 2008到2009七年级下数学期末调研卷西宁市的通考题.麻烦一下各位o(∩_∩)o急!1 英语初二下学期前三个单元的测试题,有几道不会.1:他一边做笔记,一边听老师讲课,He took notes_ _ _ _ _ _ _.(横线和单词是相对的)2:I went to bed after i finished my homework last night=I_go to bed_I finished 麻烦看下一直不会做语文题做怎么办? 真的很急了, I don't feel like _(eat) anything now. 怎么做的 谁告诉下 填冠词:Do you have _ key to the blue car?1Do you have _ key to the blue car?-I think _ key is on the desk.2_ youngest leader in China is _ man called Lu Hao.3 People in westen countries celebrates _ Christmas,while people in China observe _ Spri 道路指示图怎样画?麻烦画1下〉_〈 麻烦做下23题 麻烦做下19题 I think you every one day 什么意思麻烦GGJJ翻译下急! 有几个外语完成句子 会做的进来帮下 急…!1 Not until two days after the earthquake_(她发现)her mother alive(fine)2 _(没有必要)call me when you arrive .just come up to my house I'll be at home all day.(there)3 It 请问这道高中数学的导数题怎么做,麻烦详细解答下谢谢【急!】第6题的(1)(3)小题怎么做,麻烦写下详细步骤在线等 I can _ you any dictionary,but you can noly _ for a week.(借). 怎么做的 谁告诉下 给分滴 我发现他是一个聪明的男孩I found _ a clever boy=I found _ _ a clever boy=I found _ _ _ a clever boyHe asked me _ _ _ _(不要那样做) I donot think _ good for teachers to complain about teaching naughty kids. A. it B. this C.that麻烦解释下为什么