she insisted that the basement___damp in rainy weather.A should be B was C had been请问insist表示什么时后面加原形,这里表示什么又不用原形了呢?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/11 21:56:08
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she insisted that she organize the trip properly,虚拟语气? she insisted that he was wrong.为什么里面的insisted不用insist? Mary insisted she right and that Jack to her. She insisted that that that isn't that that.的中文意思 老师们好~我有两道题想不通1.Mike's father,as well as his mother ,insisted that he ___home.A.Stayed B.could stay C.has stay D.stay2.The boss insisted that Mary____fit for the job because she was thought to be unable to bring in money for th She insisted that she ___tge trip properly.A.organized B.organize为什么?(U3.I) she insisted that she organiaze the trip properly中为什么用organize He said”we insisted that she should start right now”.变为间接引语? 翻译:Mother insisted to this day that she thought i was joking 她决心再也不犯同样的错误 She __ __she would never make the same mistake againShe did not want to go school ,so she made __ an excuse.They insisted that he __ not guilty and that he _____(set free) at once.单句改错They never gave in th Did the old woman insisted that the boy stole her purse?Yes,And she insisted that the police___him为什么填search不填searched The doctor insisted that his patient ______ it easy for three months.A) takesB) to takeC) tookD) takeShe insisted that he ___(go) with her.坚持要求She insisted that he ___(be) innocent.坚持认为 选什么?英语语法 Mr.Green asked Lily ________ she had written to her father _______.A.whether; the day before B.whether; yesterdayC.that; the day before D.that; yesterdayAll the doctors in the hospital insisted that he _____badly wounded and th .She insisted that she ______ not guilty ,but we insisted that she ____ into prison.怎么选择?A.was; be put ; was put C.should be; was put D.was; should put she insisted that what she had done ---------right a is b was c be d had beenshe insisted that what she had done ---------righta isb wasc bed had been She insisted that her friend___at her house instead of a hotel.为什么是stay而不是stays或would stay she insisted that she______sent to work in the USA A.was B.were Cit D.which翻译句子, She insisted that we ____there for another day or two .A would say B could stay C stay D stayed