帮我点评一下这篇托福作文,看看能多少分求 各种拍砖People work because they need money to live.What are some other reasons that people work?Discuss one or more of these reasons.Use specific examples and details to support your ans

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/04 02:38:55
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帮我点评一下这篇托福作文,看看能多少分求 各种拍砖People work because they need money to live.What are some other reasons that people work?Discuss one or more of these reasons.Use specific examples and details to support your ans 帮我点评一下这篇托福作文,看看能多少分Should the money invested into a university library be used to buy books or to buy computers?What do you think?Why?Nowadays With the rapid development of advanced the computer technology in the m 求英语老师帮我批改这篇作文? 看看能得多少分? 麻烦帮我点评一下这篇英语作文, 请语文大师帮我看下,这是我自己写得作文,请帮我点评一下,如果你是老师,60分的作文你给多少分,题目为我最想要的 哪位大神能帮我看看这篇托福作文看能给多少分As for a student, grades played significant roles in my school time.it seems that people always have a desire to compare. So there is no doubt that grades are what people are competing.I 麻烦帮我看看这篇作文能得多少分好吗,马上就要考新托福了Some people believe that a college or university education should be available to all students.Others believe that higher education should be available only to good studen 请帮我看看这篇托福小作文,能得多少分?As for me,to make a new friend is as the same as the importance of to keep a friendship with old friends,since to make new friends would bring me new feelings,and I can get more help by means of ke 帮我看看这篇托福作文能拿多少分谢谢?请各位大牛给点意见With the booming economic developments,more and more modernized factories are built in order to meet the increasing products' demand of the people.People prefer driving pr 请大神点评一下托福作文 TPO16 托福作文,那里可以修改托福作文啊,我写了托福作文,那里可以找老师点评一下啊 谁能点评一下这篇作文? 英语怎么说 英语四级大概相当于托福多少分?请帮我分析一下是多少分大概 帮我看看这篇英语作文有没有错,帮我修改一下 求各位大神帮我看看这道托福作文,求写作思路!It is impossible to be completely to ur friend all the time?同意或者不同意 这题我同意 能给我举三个例子吗 求大侠修改雅思大作文!求哪个大侠帮我看看这篇雅思大作文写的怎么样,有什么可以修改、提高的地方,最重要是看看能得多少分?Some people think earlier technology changed our lives more than recent technolog 请帮我看看这篇托福写作能得多少分?11月份准备第一次考托福.Doyou agree or disagree with the following statement?It is more important tokeep your old friends it is to make new friends.Use specific reasons andexamples to support 谁来帮我点评一下这篇作文初二