收到客户的邮件:We should to have one original invoice ( Under value invoice ) and and legalize it by your chamber of commerce .certificate of origin one original copy ,and legalize it by your chamber of commerce .Also,we should to have 2 copy

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 10:15:34
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收到客户的邮件:We should to have one original invoice ( Under value invoice ) and and legalize it by your chamber of commerce .certificate of origin one original copy ,and legalize it by your chamber of commerce .Also,we should to have 2 copy 外贸英语往来邮件客户给我实样,我按照客户实样打出样品寄给客户,客户收到后来邮反馈说:The uppers fiit well. We now need to deal with some specs for our material. How should we proceed next? 客户这么说到底什 用英文怎么回客户邮件关于收到款项我收到了客户的钱,用英文应该怎么告诉他我已收到这笔款 急需翻译(汉译日)需要给客户回一封邮件已经收到的确认邮件.此客户是第一次接触,大致内容就是初次见面,我是XX,邮件已收到.请多多观照.谢谢~~~急~~~~ 如何用英语询问客户是否收到邮件 客户发来一封邮件是这样的:We need to have your O/C or P/I for this order, which should be shown all the ordered items on it with total value and a P/I-Nr.里面的O/C和P/L 是什么意思?请告知,谢谢! 收到一封客户的邮件,So that your proposition can be assessed by the relevant department,I would ask that you send your information and summary to the following address; by前面加时间点代表什么?我给客户发邮件邀请他参加周二14点的会议,他回信说“We will meet by 14.00 hrs. Should bepossible‘代表什么意思? 帮忙翻译一下一段英文邮件,谢谢!我要用英文回一个客户:说我已经收到了邮件,将会把邮件转发给XXX(我上司的名字),谢谢!麻烦翻译一下,谢谢! 英语翻译外贸英语,客户回复的邮件中说 due to sunset demand? 客户邮件中有看不明白的地方怎么跟客户说 是不是有不少人收到类似的邮件?自称是因为战争成为难民需要把继承的大笔遗产转移到中国,是骗人的吗?这是我收到的邮件thanks for your mail.we want to thank you for replying our email.we are really afraid th 收到邮件,提示‘邮件的部分内容在服务器上.’是什么意思? 收到的是空的邮件.... 求“难道邮件没有收到?”的英语翻译 希望再次收到你的邮件 英文 Now it's easy to connect with people you email 总收到这样的邮件 要写邮件给货代问:你们是否已经客户的订舱通知,如果收到,请告诉我们船期是几号?这句的英语怎么说,