麻烦为我的托福作文评分!From the ancient time to modern society today,the leadership always plays a important role in the decision.Gradually,some voices in the current wisdom claim that an efficient leader always tries to make everyone feel

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 14:57:33
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麻烦为我的托福作文评分!From the ancient time to modern society today,the leadership always plays a important role in the decision.Gradually,some voices in the current wisdom claim that an efficient leader always tries to make everyone feel 麻烦为我的托福作文评分!Agree or disagree:people can rely on themselves or their family to solve important problems instead of asking for the governmentNowadays,with the development of the society and technology,the pressure of the people h 英语老师给我的作文评分为V+, 请大家给我的第一篇托福作文评分79.Your city has decided to build a statue or monument to honor a famous person in your country.Who would you choose?Use reasons and specific examples to support your choice.From my perpective,the person w 我的雅思作文帮忙批改 评分 请大家给我的托福作文评评分IMPROVING SCHOOL IS MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR TO Successful DEVELOPMENT OF COUNTRY.AGREE OR DISAGREE?Many,maintaining this viewpoint that improving school is of the greatest significance to a successful country,clai 请大家给我的托福作文评分,指点一下,谢谢For successful development of a country, should a government focus its budget more on very young children rather than on universities?Pythagoras interpreted the universe through numbers. He was 帮我看看这句话有没有语法错误~托福作文,Shortsightedness is the mostShortsightedness is the most polular disease the children easily suffered from.我总觉得是不是很顺啊...托福作文要用的~ 请对我的托福作文评分,答案有价值的话追加100分独立作文Some young adults want independence from their parents as soon as possible.Other adults prefer to live with their families for a longer time.Which of these situations do you 专家帮忙给我托福作文评分你认为人们都是为了什么上大学的,就是ibt的第一个独立作文题目.my version:Basically,university and college is a place for learning,trying and enjoying .With the extension of enrollment of s 请给我的托福作文评评分吧(要公正)Question:agree or disagree that people do challenging work happier than easy job?Essay:With the development of the world,more and more optional jobs have emerged into our sight.Some people firmly bel 请大家给我的托福作文评评分it is only worth watching movies that can teach us something about real life,agree or disagreeMany,maintaining this viewpoint that we only need to watch the movies which could convey the real information about l 托福写作和雅思写作大小作文各个部分是怎么打分的,评分的标准怎么换算? 托福ibt评分 托福阅读评分 TOEFL 托福阅读如何评分 我写的高考英语作文,请专家老师帮忙评分(2011江苏) (满分25)From the picture we can see a moving action.The girl want to ease the pain in her monther back.She hangs the bag hard.They are both smiling .The mother is very happy th 我写的高考英语作文,请专家老师帮忙评分(2011江苏) (满分25)From the picture we can see a moving action.The girl want to ease the pain in her monther back.She hangs the bag hard.They are both smiling .The mother is very happy th