toefl独立写作:提纲点评Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:People can solve important problems by themselves or with the help from their family members so there's no nee

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 15:25:35
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toefl独立写作:提纲点评Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:People can solve important problems by themselves or with the help from their family members so there's no nee toefl独立写作官方要求字数是多少? toefl独立写作如何举例toefl独立写作举不出例子怎么办 求点评,TOEFL 独立写作我现在是个初二学生,决定高中去美国读,第一次考了80分,现在在练习作文,挑了个topic写,望大家给予一点点评正文:Being a controversial issue,telephone has greater effects on human kind 托福独立写作题型一定是观点选择类吗?如 which do you prefer 和 do you agree or disagree? 怎么讲toefl 写作课 托福toefl 不知道toefl作文怎么算分啊?那个5分是怎么回事?综合写作和独立写作各占30分的多少?如果到时候有语法错误或者拼写(主要是打错)扣分会很严吗?会到什么程度? Do you know students in China and India prefer IELTS to TOEFL?Take TOEFL for US; IELTS for UK Auss 托福独立写作求思路Do you agree or disagree with the following statement People will spend less time cooking and preparing food in twenty years than today 托福独立写作问题写作问题If a friend does something you do not like,will you still keep friendship with this friend?这个题目能从哪几个点来写? Young people nowadays do not give enough time to helping their communities.TPO-25独立写作,25.Do you agree ordisagree with the following statement?Young people nowadays do not give enough time to helpingtheir communities.问:“give enough time 对于托福独立写作,如果题目涉及“which one do you prefer”的问题,如果说都同意或都不同意行不行?还是只能写I prefer 某一个?我一直觉得独立写作的要求“which one do you prefer”读起来感觉特别像 托福写作题题干上的问题独立写作部分,有一句话是discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community.Do you support or oppose the factory? 是真要让我们在写作文时比较优缺点,还是直接 莫高窟的写作提纲 托福独立写作字数? 雅思独立写作字数? SAT写作和TOEFL写作有什么区别? 托福独立写作求指导,想了解写的如何,大概几分题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Businesses should do anything they can to make a profit. Businesses searching for largest profit is un quetionable