你可以在太平山顶鸟瞰香港You can have a birs's-eye view of Hong Kong _ _ _ _ the Victoria Peak.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/14 22:07:10
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你可以在太平山顶鸟瞰香港You can have a birs's-eye view of Hong Kong _ _ _ _ the Victoria Peak. 香港去太平山顶的自动扶梯在哪了? 你可以乘坐缆车鸟瞰整座城市 翻译 You can get a ___ ____ of the whole city by ___ ___ a cable car 在这座山上,你可以鸟瞰整个城市 On this mountain,you can get___ ___ ___ ___the city找出下列句子中的错误并改正 帮个忙she wants visit hongkong buy some cheap but beautiful clothes In some poor area,children can't go to schoo 有关香港太平山顶的问题1.请问那个观摩台是不是值得买票去看呢?2.请问是不是有必要往返都乘搭缆车?3.从迪士尼出来,如何前往太平山顶? You can ___ ___.翻译:你可以在外面吃 在山顶,你能看到下面的一切吗?can you ()()()at the top of the mountain?填下空,24点之前好吗? 太平山顶的英语怎么说?一定要在30分钟内找出来! I hate travelling along(同义句) I_____ ______travelling alone.发生紧急状况时,我们不应该四处乱跑.when there is an emergency,we shouldn't run____ ____ ____.你可以乘坐缆车鸟瞰整座城市.You can get a _____ _____of the who 我可以载你去尝试在“香港”的(吃)各种美食.Translate it into English.Please provide a better answer and explain in mandarin.1) I can bring you to taste any delicious foods in Hong Kong.2)I can drive you to taste any delicious foo 我从山顶鸟瞰远处的城市对吗? 中翻英:在山顶上,你可以欣赏日落的美You can---------on the top of the mountain.当我听到这个消息时,我不敢相信自己的耳朵When I----------,I----------my ears.我想知道Simon正躲在那里I wonder--------------------. 你可以躲在我的雨伞下英语翻译,我记得是you can.umbrella 你可以在明天约见那个艺术家 You can ___ ___ ___ ___ ____the artist tomorrow. 你可以在哪个字母里游泳?In what letter can you swim? 你可以在明天约见那个艺术家 You can ___ ___ ___ ___ ____the artist tomorrow. You can go online to ______ what time the next train to Hong Kong.你可以上网查查下一列去香港的火车的时间不止一个单词啊~应该有好几个的~至少两个单词吧~ 你能从香港给我寄张贺卡吗 英文 Can you ()a postcard ()me ()Hong Kong