英语翻译如题!Fourth one yuan equation很明显 这个不是!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 15:45:02
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英语翻译如题!Fourth one yuan equation很明显 这个不是! 一道英语题One fourth means a_____ 四分之一米:one fourth metre one fourth metres? 聿yu这个字用搜狗打不出来!如题,聿yu这个字用搜狗笔画打不出来! one fourth of workers还是one fourth of the workers哪个对,为什么 We now know that about ________ all the kinds of seaweed are animals. one fourth one fourth of one four of the one fourth yu 英语翻译先看第两句--------------------------------This week the Fed cut its target rate of one percent for overnight loans between banks to a target range of zero to one-fourth of one percent.本周,美联储将银行间短期贷款的目标 带“jin”和“yu”两个发音的四字成语,比如:锦衣玉食,如题 英语翻译Price可数吗?看到有句翻译:the house prices in Japan today are only one-third to one-fourth of those in 1992.为什么这里可以用are? ____ of the boys in the class like singingA One fourth B Three fourthC First FourD Twos fourth 英语翻译请问一个小短语的翻译,如题:during one's shift 的意思? 怎么打出平方,全等于,约等于”符号,和汉语拼音YU汉语拼音YU,如LU布 The bottle of wine was only one fourth full.这里的one fourth 是什么用法,能否再举几个例子?中间要“-”连接吗 问英语冠词语法问题3______ of the material for this coat is silka)25%b)one fourthc)the fourth ofd)the one fourth One More Time 如题 one kill death如题 one of important 如题