一道托福作文的思路,三个观点,It is important for the government to spend money to bulid art museums and music performance center than to build recreational facilities (such as swimming pool.playground)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 07:58:22
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一道托福作文的思路,三个观点,It is important for the government to spend money to bulid art museums and music performance center than to build recreational facilities (such as swimming pool.playground) 一道托福作文题的思路,三个思路,it is often not a good thing to move to a new city or a new country because of the loss of old friends? 三个观点 托福作文The extended family (grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles) is less important now than it was in the past 求各位大神帮我看看这道托福作文,求写作思路!It is impossible to be completely to ur friend all the time?同意或者不同意 这题我同意 能给我举三个例子吗 求一道托福口语第三题的思路 托福作文 3个观点Nowadays,it is much easier to achieve success with help from one's family than what is like before. 求一道托福作文题的思路!Do you agree or disagree with the statment that people should know the events happening around the world even if it unlikely have some influence on your daily life? 帮忙写个英文作文,中心是“Is appearance important for a person?”,我的观点是外表不重要最好用上although It's more +adj. than even +adj. than enough usual/usually只用给个思路就行了。 托福作文 写三个观点的TOPIC SENTENCE3.Successful people accept new things and take risks rather than hold on to the things that they have done well. 一道托福口语第二题求思路It is never too late for an old people to receive high education and to get a university degree.Agree or disagree?要说够45秒的哦~说中文的思路就行~要想至少2个理由就好了!我是想不到怎 求托福独立作文写作思路! 求托福独立作文写作思路! 托福作文求思路,养宠物好不好 求一篇托福作文的思路. Is there a good reason to be rude(impolite) to another person?不需要完整的、、求论点论据就行.谢谢~ 托福作文可以用少量口语化的句子么例如 it is not a big deal 等 more people spend too much money to pets,although there are better uses for this money 托福作文问是否同意上面那个观点,求思路.. 托福作文题,过去的食物更健康,.如何举例子论证三条观点 关于托福独立写作关于托福的独立写作,立意的时候,正文中的几个观点中能不能有支持题目本身好的观点?比如如果有这么一个题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is only worth watch