There is been a mistake为什么要加a

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 03:13:23
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There is been amistake what changes___in your life? there B.are there C.have been there D.have there been There is been a mistake为什么要加a been-there-done-that是什么意思?Sending an unmanned spacecraft to the space station is a been-there-than-that feat. 英语翻译You're making a mist There has been a misunderstanding. Beijing is our capital.Have you( )yet?A.been to there B.been thereC.go to there D.go there He is said to have been there There is a real possibility that these aimals could be frighted,____a sudden loud noise.A.being thereB.should there beC.there wasD.there having been要有理由, 英语翻译.Susan gave a good( )(descrbe)of Meg and Ann's project.She said hers was not as good as theirs.2.I think that the old man has a mental( )(disabled).3.There is a( )(possible)that we will travel to China this Easter holday.4.You are( )(mist There is a n____ on the board saying that他和meeting has been put off. I’d have noticed something () wrong if I had been there.(a) had been (b) was (c) has been (d) is What is called the passing mist,what calls eternal? I've never been there but it is,by all accounts,a lovely place.为什么is后面是,号 there is considered ___ no have been,B,tha it is, having been D.that it was There is a real possibility that these animal could be frightened,________ a sudden loud noise.A.being there B.there was C.should there be D.there having been He is talking so much about America as if he ___ there.A.had been B.has been C.was D.were为什么选A不选B? There a factory,two shops and eight schools in the small town for many years.A.has been been