a film in three-D什么意思

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 20:00:33
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a film in three-D什么意思 Do you know_________ best of the three?A.which film he likes B.what film he likeC.what film does he like D.which film does he like i live in a ____flat a.three-bedrooms b.three bedrooms c.three-bedroom d.three bedroom the actor in this film played better than( ) in that film.A.those B.that C.it D.this the actor in this film played better than( ) in that film.A.those B.that C.it D.this Henry is ___tallest in their class. A.three B.the three C.third D.the third 这道题为什么要选D ---How ofen do you go to see a film?---_____,Monday,Wednesday and Friday.A.Every day B.Every three days C.Every few days D.Every other day最好有为什么,或者有什么知识点也麻烦教一下 he is leaving for shanghai _____time to have a meeting.A.in three day's B.after three day's C.after three days' D.in three days' a film is seen in a film(中文意思) What a wondful film But I am afraid not _____ is interested in it.A someone B everyone C anyone D all选什么 what class are you in? 回答( ) A:class B:class three C:Class Three D:Class three I cleaned my classroom(A with three hours Bthree hours ago C in three hours D three hours before)如上 soon shall we start the bicycle trip?A In three days' time B After three daysC In three day's D After three day's time为什么 This film is based ______ a real story.A.to B.in C.at D.on Miss Smith says there is going to_____a film in our school tomrrow.A)has B)have C)be D)is正确的该选什么啊? The film brought the happy days back to me we spent together .A when B whereC that D in which 应该选什么? Tom's dream is to have his company__ to direct the film.A.that B.in which C.by which D.how应该选择什么? There are____days in a year选择题.A.three hundreds sixty-five B.three hundreds and sity-fiveC.three hundreds and sixty-five D.three hundred and sixty-five