1.It was more than a year now_____he had seen her.A.that B.since2."Was it here_____you were away talking to a friend?" "Sure.But when I got back there,it was gone."A.that B.while3.It was very careful that little Jim wrote the letter.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 19:39:11
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It's ___ colder today than it was yesterdayA a littleB veryC tooD more 用it was more...than造句,例如tf you ask me it was more of a squeaking part than a speaking part. cooking for one was more troublesome than it was He gave me more money ____ was required.A.it B.which C.that D.than it was nothing more than a list of difficult words翻译 It was ---- colder yesterday than it is today?A.a little B.little C.many D.more it was more than he could bear 划分句子成分 It was almost more than he could 快 It was based more on German than present day English! it was based more on german than the english 为什么不能based on more german than It's _____ today than it was yesterday.A.much frost B.frosty C.much frostier D.more frost It's —— cloder today than it was yestoday.A.very B.more C.much D.little 1.How did you find your visit to the museum?I thoroughly enjoyed it.It was far more interesting than I _______expected.A.have B.had C.was D./2.The experiment was more easier than we ____ expected.A.have B.had C.was D./说出理由, What made more than 100 passengers die.--- ________the air crash in Russia.A.It was B.There was C That was D.This was The weather gets ( ) than it was yeaterday.A.much more cold B.more cold C.much more colder D.much colder How did you find your visit to the museum?I thoroughly enjoyed it.It was( ) than I expected.A.far more interesting B.so more insteresting 选什么, there was no more than one english-englishdictionary in the bookstore ,so i had to buy ____ a.it b. It was a more interesting than I had expected这句话是怎么使用比较级的,这么用对吗?