这句句子有没有错误?While going there we told her the great changes that had been taken place in our country in the past a few years and Alice told us a lot about youth in America.有几处错误?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 04:13:36
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这句英语句子有没有错误 :you are Super Junior .you are Mr.simple 这句句子有没有错误?While going there we told her the great changes that had been taken place in our country in the past a few years and Alice told us a lot about youth in America.有几处错误? 这句英语句子有没有错误?I go to bed at nine o'clock on weekends or holiday night.有没有错误.急! 大家看看这句句子的语法有没有错误:She was at the office this moring. 帮我看看这句英语句子有没有错误这个英语句子有没有错误?She is the equal of her brother as far as intelligengce is concerned. 求分析一下这个句子有没有语法错误What's more,the trend of TV-watchers' rise didn't stop while cinephile's number became fewer and fewer.这句话有英语语法上的错误吗, the patient needs operating这句语法有没有错误, goin 请帮看看这句句子的语法有没有错误?Helping can make people more close between.谢谢啦~~我急用~ 一句英语挑毛病He is short.But he understands more than some taller.这句话有没有错误?请讲正确句子写出来 这句话有没有错误, 这句句子有错误吗?Most parents expect great expectations of their children.介词of I learned how to give up有错误吗,这句句子 谁能告诉我这句句子中的错误在哪里,怎样改是正确的now l am want to be an engineer in the future有没有l am wanting to do sth 这种类型的句子? This goddamn net speed对吗这个句子有没有错误 我想说这该死的网速! 我是韩国人~帮我看一下这几个句子里面有没有语法上的错误~ I hate you I heted you这两个句子从语法上来看有没有错误. HOPE FOR 后面可不可以加名词?I hope for your being happy while you are here.这句话有没有错误?