下面每个句子中都有一处错误,用横线画出来并纠正.1.My grandma gave a present for me.()2.Look,Here's a book for playing table tennis.( )3.Yesterday he wins a chess game.( )4.Please buy I a bicycle,Dad.( )5.What is he?He is my fr

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/18 16:33:32
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下面每个句子中都有一处错误,用横线画出来并纠正.1.My grandma gave a present for me.()2.Look,Here's a book for playing table tennis.( )3.Yesterday he wins a chess game.( )4.Please buy I a bicycle,Dad.( )5.What is he?He is my fr 下列每个句子中都有一处错误,请把错处画出来,并改正.1.This book is as more interesting as that one.2.Alice's hair is longer as Susan's.3.Nowadays,all the children live happy.4.Linda's box is heaviest of the three.Let's help her. 画出句子中的错误并改在横线上 下面的每句话中都有一个错误,请画出来并在横线上改正.1.Your mother needn't waters the flowers every day._________________2.Ben has a fever.He better see the doctor._____________________3.My room is tidy than yours._______________ 用横线画出描写画面的句子 下面句子中都有一个错误,请画出来并改正!1.Your mother needn't waters the flowers every day.2.Ben has a fever.He better see the doctor.3.My room is tidy than yours.4.Please give they some apples.5.Ours library has more than 5000 books. 下面一个句子有一处语病,请在下面横线上加以改正?我们在生活中要有改正错误、认识错误的勇气. 下面的句子中每句有一处错误,请你用横线画出错误处并将改正后的答案写在横线上.1.Who run faster than you in your class? 2.I often go jog after school. 3.Let's visit Ming Tombs together. 4.My all friends came to my birth 下面的句子有一处错误,请将正确的句子写在横线上.Is your pen pal live in Hunan? 我爸就要检查暑假作业了 请各位帮帮忙 1.阅读下面的句子,每句话中有一个错误,请把他们画出来并在横线中改错(1.The lady is wearing dress. Its white and pink 2.Both of they are from Cannada) 阅读下面的句子,每句话中有一个错误,请把它画出来并在横线上改错.1.Jianmin often late for school.______________2.Lily does very well in paint.______________3.There aren't any juice in the bottle__________4.He always goes to s 下列每句话中都有一处错误,请用横线画出并将正确答案写在题后的括号上.1、She has long legs ,but her foot are small.( )2、Does Liu Mei has a big nose?( )3、—Do you have a knife? —No,I do .But Lily has 漫话读‘‘闲书’’中哪些句子看出读‘‘闲书’’的‘‘自由’’,请在文中用横线画出来 联系上下文,解释文中划横线句子的意思.周总理吐握之芳表现在哪些地方用横线在文中画出来 每个句子中都有一个错误,把错的画横线,把正确的写在横线上Did he saw Sam just now?_______Tom wasn't revise his lessons last night._____Mum did not her housework yesterday ._____My sister wait for her friend two hours ago._____Wh 读下面一段话,找出错误的地方,用横线画出来,并说明错误原因小丽说:我最熟悉三角形,它具有稳定不变的特性我知道三角形有好几种其中等边三角形是特殊的等腰三角形,钝角三角形只有一条 看戏阅读用横线画出描写观众的句子 阅读 用横线画出阿婆手的句子