( ) 2 They were___ at the sudden noise.A.frightening B.frightened C.frighten D.frighten这题怎么选,为什么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 10:08:41
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( ) 2 They were___ at the sudden noise.A.frightening B.frightened C.frighten D.frighten这题怎么选,为什么 his clothes were in a mess,so they were___ 1 indide out 2 upside down 3 dirty 4 back to front选择哪一个,及分别说出每个为什么对与错 The dustmen said they were___(bad)paid and wanted more money how often one hears children wishing they were grown-up and old people wishing they were___ again .A.children B.young答案给的B为什么不能选A.如果grown-up当作形容词B可以.如果把grown-up当作名词,A不就可以了吗 They were_____(deep) moved by what the old manThey were_____(deep) moved by what the old man had done for the students.横线上填什么.为什么? We were very much surprised.we were___ surprised.A:more B:most C:the most选哪个? 20.Much to our disappointment,all our ideas were___ at the meeting last night.A.adaptedB.acceptedC.rejectedD.remindedwhy对不起, 英语翻译1、The workers were___(force) to work 15 hours a day.2、You are ____(mistake)this time.4、The thieves___(burst) into the house and stole many valuable things.5、The policemen took the people in the house to ____(save) We were very much surprised简单英语选择题 .请进.We were very much surprised.we were___ surprised.(A).more (B).many (C).most (D).the most He studied very hard ,but he failed in the final examination .When he got the papers ,all his hopes were___.A.rescuedB.shakenC.destroyedD.damaged 每空填一词,使上下两句话的意思相同或相近There was a serious accident yesterday.Luckily,nobody died.Luckily,there were___ ____in the serious accident yesterday the photos were___(take) by Mr.smith 3、all,both (1)___ of my parents work in the hospital (2)there are many boys underthe big tree.____ of them are playing games(3)his legs were___ injured(受伤) in the traffic accident(交通事故) The ships were___(航行)on the sea at that moment. 1.Have you___(see)Jack?2.They were___(listen)to the radio.3.He says he___already___(repair)the car.4.The teacher___(leave)his book on the desk yesterday.5.Look!The boy___(wave)to you!6.I___(do)my homework when the telephone rang. 1.Those who agreed to take part in the party were___.A.by the majority B.by a majorityC.in the majority D.in majority2.No one in the department but Tom and I___that the director is going to resign.A.knoes B.know C.have known D.an to know3.It is neces marry will never forget the day ,the 14th of july,when sh and her family were___ a picnic and ben.连下去her three years old son ran across the b______ road nearby.a truck was coming towards him very f______. 英语试题```请高手来帮忙`有分喔`13.AS the strong winds blew dowm many tall trees,some of the streets in the city were___.a.struck b.caught c.crowded d.blocked14.Scientists are afraid that some day an even bigger earthquake will___the area