请帮忙分析两个句子1.They found him lying unconscious on the floor.为什么lying后面的unconscious用的是形容词形式而不用副词形式unconsciously 2.She contrasted her present life of luxury with the poverty of her childhood.with

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 08:49:28
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You can' image what trouble they have solve the problem being discussed.请帮忙分析句子成份,尤其...You can' image what trouble they have solve the problem being discussed.请帮忙分析句子成份,尤其是what trouble they have 英语翻译请帮忙分析下句子结构 请英语高手帮忙分析句子结构 请帮忙分析一个句子!Look at what they can do without legs that animals with legs can't do. 请帮忙分析解释一下这两个英语句子.There's an element there about competition then,isn't there?Is it if the railways hadn't been nationalized,they would simply have disappeared? 请帮忙分析两个句子1.They found him lying unconscious on the floor.为什么lying后面的unconscious用的是形容词形式而不用副词形式unconsciously 2.She contrasted her present life of luxury with the poverty of her childhood.with [直译,请说出主谓宾]they mean to you what they mean to me-they指的CREED请再帮忙分析下 句子结构?what在这里起什么作用? 英语翻译They pursued their way in the piercing coldness.其中coldness和piercing这两个单词怎么理解.烦请高手们帮忙分析一下句子.谢谢 请英语高手帮忙分析下句子结构 请帮忙分析一下这个句子的结构:They begin to think about what use could be made of such materials? If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this请帮忙分析下这个句子结构 请帮忙解释下这句英语的语法We often hear old people wishing they were young again这句中的为什么用wishing,是动名词?还是其他的,请帮忙分析下这句的句子结构 请帮忙分析,越快越好, 请帮忙分析下这两题, 请帮忙分析What kind of gaurantee will you provide us with?请帮忙分析这句句子的结构, none of us is invited to visit the palace和they invite us to visit the palace.帮忙分析下这两个句子的成分.就是主,谓.宾.宾补是那些.分析细致一点. They had been around for centuries.这是什么时态,帮忙分析一下句子结构, 请帮忙分析下这个句子结构Thinking is the hardest work there is.there is 在这里是做什么成份,为什么看起来有两个谓语