英语翻译句型转换:1.The fish is too expensive today(保持原句意思不变)The ____ of ___ the fish is too ___ ____翻译:2.比较食物的价格3.在冷冻食品区3.买更便宜的食物4.这些草莓你是哪儿买的?5.我昨天

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 05:26:32
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cold fish 如何句型转换 英语翻译句型转换:1.The fish is too expensive today(保持原句意思不变)The ____ of ___ the fish is too ___ ____翻译:2.比较食物的价格3.在冷冻食品区3.买更便宜的食物4.这些草莓你是哪儿买的?5.我昨天 句型转换Have some fish,please.(同义句) ___ ___ ___ some fish. 五,句型转换 1. 用英语解释句子和句型转换,222222Why don't you go and watch the Ghost Fish in the tank? 会句型转换的进1.They walk to school sometimes.《改为同义句》They go to school( )( )at times.2.The East lake has many different kinds of fish(改为同义句)( )( )many different kinds of fish in the east lake3.Whats wro 英语大师来帮我!句型转换.(1—5题改成宾语从句的复合句)1.I think ,my sister can't eat fish curry and bread neatly.I____ ____ my sister ____ eat fish curry and bread neatly.2.The moon goes round the earth . Mr.Lin told his stud 一道初二英语句型转换题The birds catch fish (for food).对括号里的部分提问_____ _____ the birds _____ fish _____?哪个大哥帮帮忙.谢. 句型转换 1.We can friend fish and pizza outside.句型转换1.We can friend fish and pizza outside.______(对划线部分提问)___ ___ you ___ fried fish and pizza?2.They get to school at 8:00 every day.(改为同义句)They ___ ___ school at8 please tidy the room的句型转换 How wonderful the film is!句型转换 How hard the work is!句型转换 the orange is orange 句型转换 句型转换:Mr.White runs the company. a goldfish is not any trouble句型转换 a gold fish _______ _______ any trouble. 句型转换 句型转换. 句型转换