until 和unless区别i won't write to him ____he writes to me first.A until B unless为什么不选 until呢 not until 我不写信给他直到他首先写给我 until 和unless到底怎么区别呢

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 05:48:23
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unless和until的区别, until 和unless区别i won't write to him ____he writes to me first.A until B unless为什么不选 until呢 not until 我不写信给他直到他首先写给我 until 和unless到底怎么区别呢 until 和unless 有何区别i won't play with you unless you give up smoking .until 我觉得都可以,那么说这两个词有什么区别?she wouldn't go out with me again unless i gave up smoking 此处可以用until until 用于否定句时,主 I won't go to the party ____ you invite me.I won't go to the party ____ I'm invited.用unless 和 until 填空 until unless 区别------I get some films.I won't be able to take pictures when Sunny and Funny get there.A Until B Unless为什麽 A不对 I won't stop u____I make it.首字母填空 正确答案应该是until 但是unless行不行呢 unless和until的区别He did not work until I asked him to.和He did not work unless I asked him to.有什么区别?第二个句子是不是不对? i won't leave until tomorrow i will leave until tomorrow有什么区别 I won't be able to understand what you say,空格 you speak more slowly.选until 还是 unless I won't finish the work unless you help me .这里的unless you help me 可以替换成until you help me么 until 与unless的区别是什么 ——Mom,shall we have supper now?——Oh,we won't have supper _______ your dad comes back.我知道应该填until,但是我想问一下,填unless不行吗?如果选项里同时有until和unless,应该选哪个呢?他们俩的区别是什么呢? unless until if. notunless until if. not 区别用法 英语问题,如何区别not...unless...,not...until...和not...before... not until 和unless的区别 我怎么觉得意思都差不多呢 until&unlessI won't join you___you invite me.答案是until.我选的是unless _____you have already known each other.I won't introduce you to her.A If B since C until D,Unless请说下理由. not unless和unless的区别