my ______brother is______swimming in the swimming pool我弟弟还在游泳池游泳

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 18:51:21
my ______brother is______swimming in the swimming pool我弟弟还在游泳池游泳 My job is_(clean)the street My first name is_划线的填什么英语单词 She is_(tall)one of all the girls in my class. this is_ a _map__in english.(对划线部分提问) this is my flower.(改为复数形式) 1.My sister is_(polite)than i.2._(much)of time,she just wants to sleep. 我的自行车比你的新得多(根据汉语意思完成句子) My bike is_ _ _(三个空) This dictionary is_.I wrot_name in it by_ A mine mine myself B mine my me C mine my myselfD me me myself what are parent my father is a teacher ,and my mother is_.A.the other B.the rest C.Other D.another I'm quieter than most of the kids in my class,and _so_ is_ my frind.划线部分为什么是so is? 一、对句中划线部分提问1.My brother rides hie bike to work.(划线部分为 rides hie bike )______ ______ ______brother go to work?2.She sends three emails every day.(划线部分为 three )______ ______ ______ ______ she ______ every d My father is_ _ _.What shall I do?我父亲生病住院,我该怎么办?翻译填3个词 China is_ for its food. Touch the ball.It is_. This room is the biggest in my house.(改为同义句)This room is the biggest in my house.(改为同义句)This room is_ _ _ _ room in my house. —clothes are red.(we)What colora are_?(you) here are two pens,which one is_?(she)I can find my toy,but where is_?(you)Show_your kite,ok?(they)I have a cat._name is minni(it)Are these_tape players?(they)No,_arenot theirs._are not here(they) 1.We all think our teacher is_ and we have a lot of _ in his fun b.funny fun all think our teacher is_ and we have a lot of _ in his fun b.funny fun funny d.funny funny2.l find my _(lose)cats.为什么不能 1.He is my gtrandath's son,but he isn't my father.He is_.2.Sue's grandomother has two daughters.One is Sue's mother,the other is Sue's_.