they finished it shoulder to shoulder at last.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 08:20:17
x)+HTH,HMQ,Q(/II-R(GKrKlIբ_`gC=O?kgӞ^lN }/V>ݹ Dt]ϳ Ovl'=YǴۗ>;NQ{>l,d^t] h 10{z 2O>nhB22پ
they finished it shoulder to shoulder at last. they will finish it next year 与 they will have finished it in a year's time 有说呢么区别? Why haven't they finished this work yet?They are supposed _______ it by Friday finish B.having finished C.finished have finished选哪一个 they promise ( ) the work will all be finished by next week.用it还是that It was twelve o'clock ___ they finished the work.A.sinceB.whichC.thatD.when It's amazing () they've managed to get everything finished so quicklyA.howB.why They haven't finished their work.Maybe they have some trouble_____(in/with)it.这两者有什么区别? 用括号中的词填空1.It is said that they have finished the hard work _(success). Because they worked hard __they finished it in time这里为什么不用加连词 为什么不能用so that They didn't have finished it by last Sunday.为什么didn't have要改成hadn't? I have just finished it it is not finished yet what did the sister decide to buy before they went sho pping翻译中文? They will have finished the bridge in a year's time.By next June they__(work)on it for ten months how much work have they finished______?they`ve finished almost 80% of it选择 far far far 4.far away -- When did they get down to the job?-- ____.A.Until they left B.Till they arrived C.Since they finished it D.Not until they turned to me 这道题怎么回事 我见过一些解答 很牵强 英语翻译Recent research showed that teenagers switch their mobile pkone models 2-3 times per month on average.It is also found that most teens keep purchasing trendy high-tech items even though they do not have the need.Usually they do it for sho They have all finished doing the exercises