看一下这句句子:I really hope/wish that my future (tomorrow) will/could be wonderful/splendid.hope和wish用哪个好?future和tomorrow用哪个好?wonderful和splendid用哪个好?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/05 12:08:19
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看一下这句句子:I really hope/wish that my future (tomorrow) will/could be wonderful/splendid.hope和wish用哪个好?future和tomorrow用哪个好?wonderful和splendid用哪个好? 急寻一首hip hop英文歌!开头yeah yeah come on ..老说i will be to dead...然后说唱外国的hip hop歌吧 调子不高 很好听 只记得开头重复了几句 i will be really to dead.i will be really to dead.后边就是说唱的了 说 请帮忙看一下这两个英语句子Mr Johnson and his______son don't always understand each other.A.older B.elder C.the oldest D.the eldestWhat I would do is to go___________________.A.really quietly somewhereB.somewhere quietly reallyC.really qu she is really an angel这句句子讲解一下really在句中修饰什么词?好像句中既没形容词也没动词?那么是不是理解为加强语气“真的”? 看一下这句英语句子有没有错Love is invisible to me. draw your attention是什么意思?顺便帮我看一下这句句子有没有错, hop HOP I think it's really a beautiful city.这句为什么really在a前面呢, 请帮忙看一下这5个英语句子有没有什么语法和语义的错误1.the weather tomorrow is really fine,so i decide to have a picnic with my family.2.after i spent some time doing listening exercise,my English has improved much.3.my classma 帮忙看一下这个句子有没有语法错误?I'm really happy you can be my friend我很高兴你能成为我的朋友that应该可以省略吧 英语 看一下这个句子有没有错 The CD you lent me helped me pass the exam which was important to me.I am thinking about sending it to you for it’s really of great significance for you, 请各位帮忙看一下这句英语有没有语法错误…I am not XXX(人名)only for myself,but also for those who I really cared.大致需要表达的中文意思是“我的存在不仅仅是为了我自己,更是为了那些我真正关心的 帮我看一下这句英语句子Some tian ago,I fell and injured as i was crowing the road.错了的话,写原因并改正~是Some time ago 打错了~ (改为同义句)I really don't know how I can use the recorderI really don't know ____ ____ ____ the recorder.顺便翻译一下 I have no disappointment, not really. Actually appearance is not important我想问一下这句英文翻译为中文是什么意思的?谢谢了 I really have no idea what I shall talk about.给我分析一下句型,我只会简单句 True love a person...Really tired.True..Really tired大家帮个忙帮查一下这句的中文意思