1.you can simply press this button and the machine will start.( )you have to ( )is to ( )this button.Then the machine willstart.(句型转换)2.in the right amount-----( )(汉英互译)3.增加体重————( )(汉英互译)4.this dis

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 15:38:14
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翻译:You can't simply tell yourself to be positive. You can simply speak Putonghua a lot of time. You can't go wrong with simply being honest怎么翻译 This problem is so_________(simply) that you can solve it by yourself 并解释为什么 simply Guys,can you list some words to simply describe Chinese people quality and characters?like ,kind,hard working... I simply can not get away from trust piyopiyo simply giving you the 新概念英语二册第二单元测试题答案(PRE-UNIT TEST3)答案 IF YOU CAN DO THIS TEST SO ON TO UNIT 这句话什么意思啊?对高手来说很简单地!Simply because i just can't work you out.谢谢各位 Do you approve of the idea that success can be measured in term of money ____?A.only B.simply C.alone D.just 两题英语选择题以及一些英语的语法问题.1.I can think of many cases___students obviously knew a lot of English words and expressions but couldn't write a good essay.A.why B.which C.as D.where2.You can only be sure of____you have at pre Whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you stronger.You will survive and thriveone day soon!Then you can give this look to whoever despised you earlier.求翻译!别用机器译! Simply because I am not and can not beanyoneelse. 翻译You use simply to emphasize what you are saying. 1.you can simply press this button and the machine will start.( )you have to ( )is to ( )this button.Then the machine willstart.(句型转换)2.in the right amount-----( )(汉英互译)3.增加体重————( )(汉英互译)4.this dis 1.Enter your pre-selected code是什么意思 1.After a long walk,he was () tired.A.a little of B.a bit of.C.a bit D.a little2.Mo matter what you say,it can't () me from doing soA.prevent B.encourage C.allow D.attract3.The man () to get drunk when the policemen arrivedA.;bothered B.escaped C.pre