改完再加100分这是题目Some people think that universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace.Others think that the true function of a university should be to give access to knowledge for its own sak

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 04:26:28
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改完再加100分这是题目Some people think that universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace.Others think that the true function of a university should be to give access to knowledge for its own sak 帮忙修改托福作文!题目是 多读books about real events 还是novelsAs an indispensable part of life, books of all kinds bring many benefits, some people find novels more interesting and enjoyable. However, books of real events influence peo 初一英语完形填空Many children have a birthday cake 26 candles on their birthday.Many children have a birthday cake 26 candles on their birthday.In some countries,27 England and Scotland(苏格兰),there is another custom(风俗) 28 .There peo 完形填空 when people have a cold,a fever,or the flu.when people have a cold,a fever,or the flu.they usually go to the doctor's for help.But many people also use home remedies for common illness.Here are some simple home remedies.Colds:lots of peo 求改托福作文并评分.题目是Young people nowadays do not give enough time to helping their communities.希望批改要详细,尽量能把语法错误都指出来,如果改得好可以再加分. some people prefer to learn from the people and events in the past,some peopleprefer to learn forn current people and events.请选择一个观点,要有两个分论点和理智,答得好再加十分,Ibt口语题目 求两篇初中作文一篇题目“苦中有乐”,另一篇题目“爱在冬天”,600字左右,好的再加100分 话题作文能不能改题目? 题目为《改》的作文 看不懂这个题目,怎么改 《触摸春天》怎么改题目 社戏能不能改题目.为啥? 什么时候some要改any,and要改or there be 句型改一般过去时some要改any吗? do you have some brother中some怎么改 I have some pets.咋改疑问句? They have some English stamps改单数 they are some apples 改单数:---------- ------------- ---------------