1it was his doctor who advised that he _ a holiday away from the city.A have C has 答案选A 为什么?2 it is essential that all these figures_twice.A being checked B be checked 答案选A 为什么呢? 3,在被动语态选项中,有时会是be+

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/11 02:39:02
xUn[~}d-)f c頍7fOƢ-PRZS ]t={xמ:s.LY?ׄg)$$Kd9$jnh1)mx2ԇD]Ɵ;K{xz qFnA:k<3POOMz\'sh-t5!C /iԲ0/̓h\E,.cRg5mR5B;MȽf/LO#WpxnLF
A man was sitting in the doctor’s office.He was telling the doctor about his 1 .“I like football,doctor.”he said.“Please help me.My life has 2 been a good one since I because 3 in football and it is getting worse and worse.I can’t even 4 we 英语首字母填 空··~1 his mother was (s ) ill last night 2 xie kai has a very good relationship with his classmates ,because he is (e ) 3 she (w ) in a hospital.she is a doctor 4 do you kbow the woman (w ) long,blond ,curly hair?5 brown is a m 英语翻译A young American doctor was asleep when his door bell (门铃) began to ring.It was late at night .But what could the doctor do He had to put on his coat .It was a man He was standing outside with a hat in his hand .“How do you do?”sa John sent for a doctor because his wife was ill. the doctor was starting his morning work one day. it is 3 years since he has been a doctor 怎么翻?还有it is 3 years since he was a doctor 怎么翻译1? it's not right for helen to c________ other's hometown.the little girl was in d______.the doctor said he would try his best to save him. 请给我讲一道英语题,It was two years ago _____ his sister became a doctor.A)that B)where C)who D)what Our hometown is quite different from____ before.A.that it was B.what is was C.which it was D.when it was帮忙分析下句子结构 His car ____ the terrible traffic jam,so he call off his appointment with his doctor.Came across偶然遇见 came betw 英语翻译Jack Brown was very fat and his wife was worried about his weinght.You should see the doctor,she said.Ask him how to lose weight.It's not good for your health.Ok, Jack said,and he went to see a doctor.The doctor weighed him .Then he 英语翻译A man was sitting in his doctor's office.He was telling the doctor about his problem.“I like football,you know,doctor.he said.And my wife has never been good to me since I became interested in it.She often hears me shouting in my drea 1.It was his doctor who advised that he( )his job.A.changed B.change C.would change D.had changed2.Excuse me,but it is time to have your temperature( ).A.taken B.taking C.took D.take 英语翻译第一篇:A young American doctor was sleeping when suddenly his dooebell began to ring.It was already midnight,but what could the doctor do?He had to get up,put on his coat and go downstairs.When he opened the door,he saw a man standin mr black was having troubleMr Black was having trouble with his stomach ,So he went to see a doctor.The doctor examined(检查) his stomach 48,but he couldn’t find any problems.Then he said,“Well,Mr Black,take it easy.There is 49 serious.Stop 1it was his doctor who advised that he _ a holiday away from the city.A have C has 答案选A 为什么?2 it is essential that all these figures_twice.A being checked B be checked 答案选A 为什么呢? 3,在被动语态选项中,有时会是be+ 请问一道英语四级题目 After( )seemed an endless wait,it was his turn to step into the doctor's office.A.what B.that C.it D.there 英语八年级上阅读填空专项练习( A) A little boy didn’t__1__a word before he was three__2__old.His mother took him to__3__a doctor,but it was no use.The doctor examined him and found that he was healthy__4__clever.So he told the mother n 改错:it was his job repair bicycles