the boy is piaying backetball否定句一般疑问句,肯定回答和否定回答.还有划线提问划在play...backet

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 00:10:29
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Look,the boy is piaying basketball______the gym. The boy is piaying basketball的否定句 肯定回答 否定回答 一般疑问句The boy is piaying basketball的否定句 肯定回答 否定回答 一般疑问句 where ____his friends ___pinpong ---They____piaying in the gym A are,piaying,are B is,piaying are 连词成句加翻译1.l,play,may,my,with,doll.翻译:the little boy is piaying whit the dog. I find a little boy () in the street just now.Apiay B to piay C piaying D p 单项选择;The boy enjoys watching NBA piayers--basketball every Sunday.A;piay B;piaying请说明理由 The boy likes piaying _ fire,It's not C.with D.on 英语练习the students are piaying football 对 piaying football that boy is trying on a coat 对a coat提问 Tom is looking at a phto 改一般疑问句和否定句, 英语call的用法i piayed with the boy ( )Tom Greeni piay with the boy ( )Tom Greeni am piaying with the boy ( )Tom Green选择 B.calls C.called D.calling the boy is piaying backetball否定句一般疑问句,肯定回答和否定回答.还有划线提问划在play...backet what is on () dask A,boy is .B,boy.C,the boy.D,the boy is .怎么填 He is piaying the trumpet,but then the telephone the girl is piaying piano for the Thecher's Day Her hobby is piaying the piano?Her hobby is piaying the piano 还是 Her hobby is piay the piano?为什么? jack is good ( )soccer A.AT PLAY B.WITH PIAYING C.FOR PLAY D.AT PIAYING 改为复数:look!there is a man and a woman in the picture, what are the boy and girl doing?the girl is crying and the boy is piaying cards .the boy is a child and the girl is a child,too改为复数:look!there is a man and a woman in the pict he likes piaying football with the boy on the bike 对on the bike提问 怎样写出下列句子的复数形式【英语】look!There is a man and a woman in the picture .What are the boy and girl doing The girl is crying and the boy is piaying cards .The boy is a child and the girl is a child ,too.