Mary is expecting to go shopping with her mother when her school work finishes为什么这句错了?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 18:39:43
Mary is expecting to go shopping with her mother when her school work finishes为什么这句错了? Everything is expecting _everything into consideration.the result is better than-A:Taking;expected B:taken;expected C;TO take;expecting D;taking;expecting为什么选A?十万火急 快 True Strength is being able to hold it together when everyone is expecting you to fall apart.这个 Mary is uauslly kind to people. here is a bike to mary.改错 I wonder if Mary has forgotten my phone number.I——her to call me for the past weekhave been expecting 可是为什么用被动啊 The number of children who have lost parents to AIDS-----to rise to over 26 million in 2011A.are expected expecting C.are expecting expected怎么理解, Today it is surprising that he came an hour earlier than ____A.expected B.expecting C.expect expect l am _____ you to write back .A .expecting B .waiting C .expecting for D .expecting tl am _____ you to write back .A .expecting B .waiting C .expecting for D .expecting to what is mary going to take to shanghai是什么意思 Mary is going to school now.同义句 Mary is ________ _______ _______to school The detectives were()a valuable parcel of diamonds.(a)expecting(b)waiting(c)expecting for(d)expecting to The girl talking to Mary is a friend of ( ) AThe girl talking to Mary is a friend of ( ) A.Mary's sister B.Mary sister's C.Mary's sister's D.sister of Mary's Mary is able to speak Chinese.改同义句.Mary ______ ______ Chinese. Miss Yang is talking to Mary对画线部分(Mary)提问 Mary is going to buy. 改变句型,保持句意.mary ( ) ( )buy Mary is ill,____she can't go to school.