帮忙看个句子语法对不对?there is the very living standard and level which drops significantly生活水平下降,very用来表整个句子的强调

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 14:03:56
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帮忙看个句子语法对不对?there is the very living standard and level which drops significantly生活水平下降,very用来表整个句子的强调 帮忙看一下语法对不对There will be a National Treatures Exhibition open to the public.be open 不对吗? 帮忙分析一下这个句子的语法结构吧that is all there is to it 请大家帮忙看个英语句子,它的语法对吗?RTOn his/her/the shy face is full of entirely false smiles. 数学题帮忙看对不对 这个英文句子语法对不对Love is when i see you smile to me.这个句子语法上讲对不对 there is some water in those bottles这个句子对不对 帮忙翻译个句子,最好分析一下语法Dying is the day worth living for . 帮忙看一下语法对不对!becuse we are brother ! so we never change! 看看对不对!谢谢啦 求英语语法达人,帮忙看下我分析的三个句子语法对不对啊 And I believe it has a positive effect on the creative capacities of New Yorkers—for creation is (in part merely) the business of forgoing the great and small distractio 看下下面两个英语句子写的对不对 有没有语法的毛病 错了帮忙改正 在高考第一的时代,我们应该去学学术方面的课程,而不是浪费时间去学体育.In this period which high exam is so important,we must pay mo 请帮忙看下这个句子的主语是什么,怎么判断的,There is no point in arguing with him there is no water in the bottle, is it?这句句子对不对 语法分析:麻烦看下这个句子,帮忙分析下语法.What do you think is special about this girl?这个句子是不是倒装了 ,原型是什么样子 . 高手帮忙看下there comes a question,is ”how should we choice?“有没有语法毛病?除了choice语法上没错误了么?感觉逗号和is 这里好别扭啊, he is just baby.语法对不对 英语翻译请帮忙看下翻译的句子语法是否正确,不对请帮忙更改,. There is some bread and milk in fridge.这个句子对不对?