cultural diversity 的英文定义是什么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/21 03:44:04
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cultural diversity 的英文定义是什么 disadvantsges of cultural diversity; How cultural diversity impacts on our workplace什么意思啊 文化马赛克等同于cultural diversity吗?是不是中译英文化多元性时可以译为moasic of diversity?还有,文化马赛克和美国的大熔炉一样吗? 两篇关于social relationships,两篇关于cultural diversity,四篇文章要不同的文体(新闻报道、科学报告、各种.广告什么的也都算!面很广)400-600字! diversity diversity and varioutiy 的区别 麻烦高手帮写一篇Cultural diversity in China250字以上 要符合题意. nowhere is the decline of cultural diversity more manifest than with the youngsters. cultural diversity 与multiculturalism的区别知道的前辈请用中文精要解释下, 因为我看了英文的释义后还是不清楚他们的区别.我essay的deadline要到期了! 拜托了! 英语:现在分词 句子成分分析The Olympic Movement creates cultural diversity in the Movement, increasing its attraction.(奥林匹克运动确定了运动的多元性文化,使它更具凝聚力.)请问increasing its attraction increasing 文化差异,英语怎么说?除了cultural difference/divergence.请问还有没有别的说法? 谢谢:Ddiversity让人觉得表示多样性, 如果文章只涉及两个国家的比较,用diversity是否会有点不恰当呢?^ ^~ Nowhere is the decline of cultural diversity more manifest than with the youngsters.结构倒装?还是nowhere本来就是个主语?如果能举出类似的例子就更好了 英译汉Cultural diversity refers to the manifold ways in whichthe cultures of groups and .Cultural diversity refers to the manifold ways in whichthe cultures of groups and societies find expression. Theseexpressions are passed on within and among g nowhere is the decline of cultural diversity more manifest than with the youngsters.这里than with 什么用法?. 41nowhere is the decline of cultural diversity more manifest than with the youngsters.求本句讲解 cultural 英语翻译The notion that cultural and biological influences----------determine cross-cultural diversity is discredited by the fact that,in countless aspects of human existence,it is cultural programming that overwhelmingly accounts for cross-popul